The New Relationship In Ridgewood High

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Friday July 16 2015
What the fuck, daniel was making out with me and I have to admit I liked it myself I just couldn't handle myself, It felt good.
I pulled away and acted like I didn't like it and said "What the fuck Daniel don't do that again!" I walked away he followed me and grabbed my waist "don't act like you didn't like it" he kissed me, I kissed him back for 3 seconds then pushed him off me "seriously Daniel stop!" Daniel whined "Why?" I rolled my eyes and said "because you hurt me and I don't think a dumb kiss will fix that." Daniel yelled "I beat up a kid for you, I-.. Oh my fucking God make up your mind!" He walked away into his car and drove away I stood there for about half an hour crying then eventually went home and tried to keep myself busy and forget everything that happened by doing my homework and my projects, then I heard the doorbell and just ignored it and my mom got it and yelled "Michelle someone is here for you" then I was in the middle of walking down stairs and saw it was Daniel then I sighed and rolled my eyes "just go away." I ran back up stairs to my room then my mom said with shock "Michelle." Daniel bit his lip and said "I got this." He ran up stairs to my room and walked in "What was that all about" I replied stuttering and whipping my tears "N-Nothing.. just go." Daniel walked up to me and lifted my chin up "C'mon don't be like this." I stood up "Oh sorry I'm not popping my vagina out for you." I rolled my eyes Daniel sighed "I'm not like that, at least anymore!" I laughed "oh yeah sure you are" Daniel grabbed me and whispered "C'mon I just want to be with you, only you." I then blushed lightly and Daniel smiled and kissed me I kissed him back and laid my hands on his neck still kissing him with a little tongue then he picked me up and laid me on the bed and went on top of my and kept kissing me I then pushed him off me "If we're actually going to be in a relationship I want it to be something other then sex." Daniel got off me "oh, yeah.. Sure." I sat up "if we are even in a relationship.." Daniel sat up with joy "W-Wait you want to be in a relationship?!" He smiled, then I laughed slightly "yes." I looked at him Daniel smiled "Wait hold on!" Daniel ran down stairs and grabbed something out of his car then ran back upstairs panting "here" He handed me a pizza box "What is this?" I opened the box and saw that 'will you be my girlfriend' was written on the box and then I closed it and smiled and kissed Daniel "yes. yes I'll be your girlfriend." Daniel smiled and kissed me back "great." I smiled and asked "want to watch a movie?" Daniel replied "sure id love to" So I went and sat on my bed and turned on the tv "well c'mon" I laughed Daniel laughed a bit "okay." He sat beside me and put his arm around me and laid down and so did I, then we talked for like 5 Hours then eventually fell asleep together..
*6 hours later*
My alarm went of then we both woke up, I said "um.. What time is it?" Daniel looked on his phone 7:00", I stood up "maybe I you should go home and get ready for school." Daniel said "no, I want to drive you to school and walk in with you, look this is the very first time I'm actually in a relationship and I don't want it to be a secret" I laughed "Okay, by the way, You left some clothes here last time you stayed here. They're in my closet on the floor on the left side" Daniel smiled "I knew I had clothes here" He laughed and got changed while I was looking in my closet looking to for something to wear Daniel then turned around and grabbed my waist and hugged me from behind "You look good in anything just wear anything, either way you'll look hot" he laughed and smacked my ass and walked to the kitchen, I laughed And picked out some white leggings and a blue crop top and a black leather jacket with blue high heels, and then went to go apply my makeup then I walked down stairs and yelled "Daniel lets go" he then walked to the door and grabbed my hand and took me to his car and opened the door, I smiled and got in "thanks" he smiled and closed the door and went to the driver side of the door and drove to school once we got there he grabbed my hand and we both walked in and everyone was staring at us and saying shit like 'aw cute!' And 'OUU' And 'you've got a good one' like omg. Anyways He walked me to my locked and then the bell rang and kissed me "I'll see you in math class" I smiled and kissed him back "yes." I then walked to my Chem class and he went to gym class then at about 11:00 I had math class so I went to that class when it was time and sat beside Eldon and James and was in middle Daniel then walked in and sat at a different table and kept looking at me and whenever I looked at him I could tell he wasn't so happy about who I was sitting beside.. Anyways I went out to the hall early because I had finished my work done early so I went to my locked and went on my phone then Daniel followed me and got mad "what the hell were you doing sitting with them?!" He yelled, I closed my locker "I can sit beside who ever I want." I walked away Daniel "why.. Why do you try so hard to get me jealous and mad to the point where I want to punch something or someone" he yelled I walked over to Daniel and cover his mouth "shh!" I yelled then took my hand off his mouth and kissed him "you have nothing to worry about or to get mad about, I love you, only you. No one else, nothing else. Just you." Daniel kissed me back then smiled "I love you to."...

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