Is this the end?

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After math class was over it was lunch and I went and sat with my friends as usual and then suddenly I looked at Daniel and he was sitting with... Riley laughing having his hand on her thigh... I knew it, I knew just because I wouldn't  have sex with him he would go straight back to her

I got up, grabbed my trey full of food like spaghetti, soup (hot soup), and an ice tea I walked over to Daniel slightly crying and dumpd my whole trey on him "have fun with that slut.".. everyone then looked at us and started laughing at Daniel,

Then I ran out to my car and started the engine and left school early crying. Daniel ran after me, of corse but I was fast enough so that he wouldn't play with my feelings again..

Well I was just driving around town crying and thinking of what to do. I looked at my phone and realized it was 9:00 pm, then I drove home and parked my car

and walked in and my mom heard me and ran to me and hugged me "are you okay, are you hurt, what happened?" I sighed "im fine mom. I just wasn't mating attention to the time when I was at Chloe's house, look im tired, I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight."

I walked up stairs and saw Daniel literally in my bed watching tv. I slammed my door "get the hell out of my room and get he hell out of my house!" Daniel stood up "look babe it was just a kiss it meant nothing!" He yelled, I then started to cry "a kiss huh?... get the hell out!!" I screamed then my mom walked in and asked "what's going on?" I said "I want him out, I don't want him here aging I don't even want to see him." I continued to cry, my mom literally forced daniel to leave and when he left I closed my door and locked it then laid in my bed crying then eventually I cried myself to sleep.

*7 hours later*

My alarm went off and the I went to go take a shower then got out and blow dried my hair and curled it, I went to my closet and came across this black leather skirt and a red v tank top, and red high heels to go with it, I put those on and looked for a jacket to wear I wore Eldons leather jacket he left here and then went and put make up on

then left for school and walked in, as if me and Daniel didn't even know eachother, I walked over to Eldon and grabbed his hand and thought.. That me and Eldon are meant to be, he has liked me since 4th grade and I felt like I was making the right decision and Eldon was walking with my smiling and asked "what is this?, what happened to Daniel", I stopped right in front of Daniel and looked at him and he looked at me then I looked at Eldon "Me and Daniel?" I laughed "ew no, he is just a fuckboy and we all know that" the bell rang, "oh I gotta go, see you in half an hour in math class" I kissed him

and walked away then Daniel ran up to me and said "what the fuck was that about" I looked at him "why would you care, I'm not your girlfriend anymore" I walked into Chem class, and about half an hour later I had math class I walked in with Eldon holing his hand and sat at the same table as him then Damiel moved over to our table and I sighed "go away fuckboy" I rolled my eyes Daniel then got mad and pushed Eldon off his chair "you fucking little bitch!, she's mine!" He yelled and punched him I got up and pulled Daniel back "Daniel stop!.. What the fuck!" I pushed him on the floor and then the nurse came to grab Eldon and I sat down and did work.. Might I add that the teacher had in a room.. ALONE!, Daniel couldn't stop saying sorry and I was just ignoring him then like 12 minutes later I couldn't hold in my anger then I got up "fucking leave me the hell alone and don't ever talk to me again. I don't want to see you talk to you, I don't even wish you came to this school!!, now leave me and my friends alone then we will both have happy lives okay. Bye now fuckboy."

I grabbed my work and went out to my locker then Daniel followed me and grabbed my face and pushed me against the lockers and kissed me, I kissed him back and no matter how hard I tried to not like the feeling, but i did..

after about 10 minutes of making out I pushed him off me and wiped my lip "don't ever do that again!" I yelled Daniel smirked at me "Don't act like you didn't like it" I rolled my eyes "I'll like I if you actually want me. it's clear that you don't, all you want is sex, fuckboy." He pushed me against the lockers "you can say im a fuckboy all you want, I could care less. At less Im trying to change for you, but clearly It isn't enough, so you have 2 choices. Me or Eldon. choose." I looked down, Daniel got off me "I knew it." And punched a locker and walked out of school,

I ran after him and went in front of him and tippy toed and kissed him Daniel pulled away "stop it. go kiss your boyfriend." He continued to walk I grabbed his hand "Daniel!.. I love you, Not him" Daniel pulled his arm away and said "you can say that all you want, doesn't mean it's true." He went in his car and drove away I put my hands on my forehead crying and whispering "what have I done"

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