3//first date

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AN: Okay I don't know if you like my writing or anything so feel free to comment, and my weheartit is @calumsblondie if you want to check it out :) also, leave any suggestions or request here---------->


You sat at the window waiting for him to show up. Where you were going was a mystery but he told you to dress really fancy. Finally his black car pulled into the driveway and you went to the door to wait for him. He knocked and you opened the door the hottest looking guy you had ever seen. He had left his hair curly just like you liked it and he was in a black suit and tie with Ray-Ban sunglasses. He looked at you and his jaw dropped. You were wearing a black dress that hugged your figure, metallic strap heels, and had your hair in a curled up-do.

"Wow you look....gorgeous."

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself." You say blushing.

It was only a 15 minute drive to the restaurant and soon you were seated and eating your delicious dinner. You talked and laughed for about two hours, and then he paid and escorted you to the car. You were almost to your house when he turned into a little frozen yogurt place and you looked at him strangely.

"We're all dressed up Calum"

"I know" he said with a big grin.

"Okay then." You laughed.

You both got your frozen yogurt and sat a table talking and giggling when people looked at so strangely when they saw you were so dressed up.

After you got home, you thought about the amazing night you had with Calum and hoped you would do it again.


"Hi sir, is Y/N here, sir?" Ashton said nervously to your dad.

"Yes, one second....Y/N Mr. Irwin is here!" He yelled up the steps.

You walked down and glared at your dad.

"His name is Ashton dad."

"I am fine with whatever you want to call me sir, if that's what you want to call me sir."

"Okay we are gonna go bye dad!"

"Be home by 10:30!" Your dad yelled from the door as you pushed Ashton through your yard into his car.

"Yeah whatever bye! What a kiss ass" you say giggling to Ashton after you had gotten in the car.

"Hey! He scares me!"

"Whatever you want to call me sir. Hi sir. Bye sir." You imitate him.

"I did not do that!" Ashton said putting on a pouty face but ending up giggling.

"So where are we going?" Ashton hadn't told you anything so you just dressed casual. A pair of skinny jeans, a flowy white blouse, and sandals with a little bit of heel. You assumed you had dressed properly because Ashton was just wearing a ripped AC/DC shirt, black skinny jeans and brown leather boots.

"You'll see." Ashton said smirking.

You had been driving for almost 20 minutes when Ashton's old Chevy truck started making a bunch of weird noises, and then stopped.

"Oh great, now! Really!"

Ashton hopped out of the car and lifted up the hood, looking to see what happened. After he had been out there for a couple of minutes you decided to see what the problem was.

"So what happened?"

"I have no idea something must be wrong with the engine. I'm so sorry Y/N this was supposed to be the perfect date and now..."

5sos ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora