twenty six

588 15 4


After a long ass week of school, It was Saturday and I could finally sleep in late even if it is only for two days.

"CHLOE WAKE THE FUDGE UP!" Someone yelled from upstairs, stomping on the floor right above me, interrupting me from my peaceful slumber. I groaned, rolling over and shoving my face deep in the pillow.

Why must I always wake up with someone yelling at me.

I heard the footsteps rush down the steps and my door swing open, hitting the wall behind it in the process. I felt someone throw themselves onto my bed and began to jump.

Lifting my head up from my pillow, I was met with Josh's brown eyes.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I grabbed the pillow my head was resting on just seconds ago and whacked him with it, the hard push making him lose his balance and fall beside me on the bed.

"You, Miss Grumpy Pants, are coming with me to practice your boxing." He lifted his fists up and pretend to punch me. Rolling my eyes, I stole a glance over at the clock and just about shit my pants.

"AT SIX IN THE MORNING!?" I yell, my eyes still practically half closed. He laughed and nodded.

"Hell no, I need sleep dude."

"We can get coffee?"

"I'm up!" I sat up and rushed out of bed. After having a shower and putting on an outfit, I slipped on my nike shoes and tied my hair back into a ponytail.

Exiting my bathroom, I found Josh at the same spot I left him scrolling through his phone.

"Dude, Niall Horan just tweeted something deep. The hell is happening.." He freaked, throwing his phone to me. I caught it and looked at the screen.

Still I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday .

Recognizing the fall out boy lyrics, I smiled slightly and scrolled through the comments on the tweet. Most of the comments were teasing asking who his recent target in bed was. One of the comments stuck out most though;

Still thinking of her, eh?

Immediately that tweet got a lot of attention. I rolled my eyes and gave Josh his phone back but not after favouriting and retweeting both tweets through his account.

"Well, I'm ready for some caffeine.. you?" He laughed and we linked arms, skipping out of my bedroom and the house without a care in the world which is exactly what I needed right now.


"Punch harder, goddammit!" Josh yelled at me with fake anger, probably hoping to get through to me.

I signed and lowered my fists and spit out my mouth guard. The past hour I haven't been able to concentrate properly and it's making me mess up badly.

Josh took off his gloves and rubbed his face. "This isn't you, Chloe. What's up?"

Shrugging I sat down on the ledge of the boxing ring with my legs dangling out and arms and face resting on the familiar red rope. "So much has happened, Josh. I can't handle it all and it's changing me into a softy.."

The Girl Boxer - Horan Where stories live. Discover now