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"Never fucking touch my best friend like that again." I spoke with gritted teeth.

He put his hands up in defence, "I was just trying to have some fun.''

''Go have fun with someone else. Someone that's preferably not my friend.'' I spat at him and walked over to Alexandra who had just stood there and watch the scene unfold

''Are you okay, Alexandra?"

''Yeah.. thank you.'' She opened her arms and brought me in a hug.

''Okay, that's enough hugging.'' I whined, embarrassed by the act of affection

She sighed sarcastically, "Fine."

The warning bell rang and everybody hurried to get to their class, leaving Alexandra and I in the hallway.

''So.. you think of me as a best friend?'' She asked, referring to when I called her my bestfriend during the argument.

''Uh.. yeah..''

''I'm sorry.. but-'' I cut her off by shoving my hand infront of her face to silence her. I had a feeling I know what she was going to say; she was going to explain that she didn't think of me as a bestfriend and that I should leave her alone.

Sticking with my assumption, I said nothing as I turned a corner and started to jog to the next class I had. I heard her shout my name but instead of turning around, I jogged faster.

This is why I don't get too close to people, they always end up hurting me.

With that thought, I ran as fast as I could. I opened the door to a classroom and thanked the lord that it was the class I was supposed to be in. I saw the professor lift his head from the white board and look at me. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it just as quick - He probably overheard what happened last time a teacher told me I was late.

''Take a seat, Miss Sanchez.'' he pointed over to an empty seat. I nodded and made my way to the seat. I felt eyes burning into my back but chose to ignore it and keep my head down.

Sitting down, I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket. I unlocked it and opened up the twitter app.

My thumbs did a little dance over the keyboard as I thought about what to tweet.


Life Rule #1: Never get to close to anyone. They end up either leaving or hurting you.

I got out of the twitter app and clicked onto flappy bird - This game is highly addicting.

Right when I was about to beat my high score, the classroom door opened and slammed shut, making my phone almost fall out of my hands out of surprise. My head snapped up and met with a pair of brown ones, Alexandra.

I looked back down, not wanting to make eye contact with her anymore.

''Ahh.. Alexandra. Care to explain why you're so late to class?'' The professor asked.

''Ugh.. sorry professor, h-had a hard time finding the class.'' She lied then sat down somewhere on the other side of the class - away from me.


"Miss Sanchez, the director would like to see you in his office." The professor spoke out, 20 minutes into class. I groaned, got up off my seat and headed out the door.

I walked in the quite and deserted hallways, thinking of the endless possibilities of reasons why I got called in.

"Hello, Miss Sanchez. It's been forever since I've seen you, hasn't it?." he spoke sarcastically.

I'm not so thrilled about being here again either, asshole.

"You may be wondering why you have been called in, am I right?" I nodded my head.

"It's about that little.. fight you had this morning with Mister Horan." he explained.

"Fight? That's wasn't even close to being a fight, all I did was punch him." I argued, throwing my arms up in the air.

"It still counts as a fight, Miss Sanchez."

"Whatever." I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

"Excuse me?"

I cleared my throat and shot him a fake smile, "Nothing. I said nothing."

"Anyways," He gave a look. "We do not tolerate any fights that happen on campus, so you've been suspended for the next three days. It will be on you to figure out how your notes will be taken in all the course that you'll be missing in those days."

You can get suspended at college?

When was someone going to inform me of this!?

"What!? I'm suspended for punching someone?"

"That is not the only reason." he stated.

I groaned, "And what are the other reasons?"

''Sit down," he paused, "this will take awhile.''


I walked out of the director's office with a sigh. Turns out, he was right, there was plenty of other reason why I've gotten suspended for the next three days.

Apparently, talking back to a teacher is against college rules or something like that. Oh and so is getting involved in a fight.. twice. Did I mention that being late to your courses can get you suspended too?

What I still can't believe is that its my second day of college and I've already gotten myself suspended for three. Bloody. Days.

I jogged out of the school doors and made my way to the sidewalk. The sun beamed down on me, making me glad I had chose to wear shorts today.

Silence surrounded me, making me want to scream out just so the silence would be filled. That was one thing I hate about silence - it left me with my thoughts.

what if alex really wasn't going to say that? what if she was just going to say something else..

I turned a corner of a street I've never seen and kept walking straight.

''Shit.. I think I'm lost.'' I muttered to myself

''What was that, miss?'' an old lady asked, she had been walking infront of me for quite some time now but I haven't really payed much attention to her because I had been to deep in my thoughts.

"Umm.. nothing. Could you please tell me what street we're on?'' I asked, trying to act as polite as I possibly could for the first time today.

''You're on Hyde Park, darling.'' She informed, flashed me a smile and walked away.

I stood there for a moment in confusing, trying to figure out why the street sounded so familiar. A light bulb went off in my head and my eyes began to sting, tears threatening to flow out of my eyes; and I don't know whether the tears are happy ones or sad ones.

but what I do know is that I'm on the same street my father is buried.



thank you guys for so many reads guys, this is such a big deal to me and it makes me happy when you guys comment saying how much you love my story - because tbh I don't like it.

qotc: how did you guys find this book? like what did you search/do to find it?

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