Character Analysis: Chris Miles 'The Fuck It Monkey Man'

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Chris Miles goes down in my books as a character that is impossible not to love. He is a hilarious character that has so much heart and some of the greatest lines ever written in Skins history. This post is dedicated to the lovely Chris Miles.

When we first meet Chris in Series 1 he is presented as a fun-loving pill popper. He is always there to supply a smile, a great one-liner, and to encourage the gang to have fun. Underneath all of this fun-loving though lives a little boy who fears losing and wants stability.

When we saw Chris's episode (1x4) I thought for sure it would be an episode that was filled with crazy mayhem and humor. I mean it was filled with crazy mayhem in the way in which Chris chose to spend his mother's money and there was humor; however, there was also some pain. In this episode we learn that Chris's older brother died.

We also learn that Chris's father has created a new family for himself and has little desire to be an active father in Chris's life. Then of course we learn that Chris's Mom has left for good and the money that she left was meant to hold Chris over for a little while. Then from there he loses his home and he is literally left with nothing but his zest for life and his friends. This story line carries over to Series 2 as he tries to explain to Jal why he is the way he is. Underneath the jokes and the smiles lies a big hearted character that is so afraid of losing things he never tries to strive for anything better. Chris says it best when he tries to explain why he messed up with Angie to Jal: "It's kind of easy when you've got, because nothing can't be taken away from you. But I don't want nothing anymore."

When things get to hard or to real he will just say "fuck it" and stop trying. This is why Jal was such a great romantic match for him she motivated him to try and made him feel like he was not worthless. Which is the truth Chris is not worthless.

Now that is the downside of Chris's "fuck it" fun-loving persona; however, there is also quite a bit to learn from Chris. He may have been afraid to lose people and afraid of letting people down in terms of expectations, but he also never wanted to lose a moment. He never backed down from any chance to have fun or to experience pleasure in this life. He will dance like an idiot. He will find something to laugh about in a bad situation. He will take risks and break rules. He lived hard but not because he was trying not to seem like he did not care. No, he lived hard because he did care and he wanted to make sure he experienced life for everything that it is. Not out of madness, not out of turmoil, but out of curiosity and because he could. He was also the most accepting of all the characters he loved people yet he never let people tie him down. If people loved him they would have to accept him for who is instead of him trying to be something he wasn't.

He is also a wonderful friend always there to cheer you up with his natural enthusiasm and sense of adventure. His relationship with Cassie was a gorgeous friendship. His love and relationship with Jal was also really sweet. He really did respect and love Jal. I would have loved to have seen that relationship grow and develop. Chris's personality though is contagious and I cannot imagine feeling sad in his presence.

Chris is a wonderful character who has taught me that life is to be lived to the fullest. That you cannot always worry about public opinion. That sometimes you do need to take time for yourself to do the things you want to do regardless of anything. Sometimes you do need to say "fuck it." I have also learned from Jal with Chris that sometimes "fuck it" can be an excuse to not face the things in life that you should face. Having nothing seems great in theory but eventually it makes you feel empty. Chris though he may have felt like he had nothing, but he had friends that loved him and he had such a beautiful personality.

Fuck It for Chris!

Quotes from Chris:

"Look, I was perfectly happy killing myself. Right, but then you asked me to try...And for the first time in my life it felt like someone actually gave a shit. And that person was worth trying for. And now I'd...I'd fucking make the world record biggest sandwich if you asked me to. I'd kick old grannies in the tits. I'd fill the rivers with Panda Pops." - Chris

"Do you remember them colouring-in book when you were little, Jose? I hated them. If I'm gonna do a picture of a house, I don't want someone else telling me what it should look like, know what I mean?" - Chris

"If Rome won't go to Mohammed, then Mohammed will clap until it does." - Chris

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