chapter 3

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After spending most of my time at Jon crazy ass house I finally just now made it home

"Ok boys come on so that y'all can take y'all bath" I said dropping my keys on the table by the door

"B-but mom-momny me hate baths" Karen said looking up at me

"You still got to take one cause if you don't you gone be stinky baby" I said picking him up putting him on my hip while grabbing kaden hand leading them to the bathroom I ran there bath water

"Ok y'all take a bath while mommy get your snacks together"
I told them walking out of the bathroom down to the kitchen. I'm so glad Jon had cooked before I got there so now all I got to do is give them there snacks.

Getting there snacks down which was fruits for Karen and for kaden just chips walking over to the fridge I heard the front door close I looked up at the clock on the wall to see is 6 going on 7 . I'm surprise he came home early today.

"Hey baby"Devon said walking up straight up stairs to our room

Oh hell nall I said to myself my mom always told me if your man comes home and jump right and the shower baby he's hiding something and that mean his bitch ass hiding something

"MOMMY WE DONE"kaden yell I walk to the bathroom I got the boys out of the water drying them off before putting them on there pj's kaden had on a bat man while Karen had on spongebob

"Mommy up" Karen said with his arms up I pick him up and while he put his thumb and his mouth putting his head and my neck

"Come on kaden so y'all can have y'all snacks' I put them down and the living room to watch TV while they eat there snack so I can go up stairs and fuck there stupid ass daddy up.

Going up stairs I seen that Devon was still and the shower I was waiting on him when I heard his phone I walked around to his side of the bed answer his phone with out looking

Female voice: can I speak to Devon
Who is this
Female vocie: I'm Kala who you
I'm Mia
Kala: Oh hey Devon told me all about you your his young sister rite
Phone called end

"Yo what the fuck you doing Mia huh why you answering my shit"Devon said looking mad like really his bitch ass really trying me I didn't even say nothing I just walked back down stairs

"Come on guys time for bed ok" I told the twins while picking up Karen while holding kaden hand going up stairs

"Mommy loves y'all ok"I told them kiss there forehead

"Love you to mommy" they said back I made sure close the door all the way cause now it's time to deal with his lying ass

"So you gone tell me who the bitch was or what. Nall scratch that shit you gone tell me who the bitch is" I said with my arms folded cross my chest standing in front of the TV

"Man look you need gone the fuck on somewhere" he said with hard eyes but I know he was trying to warn me by doing that

"FUCK YOU JUST TELL ME WHO THE BITCH IS' I y'all getting madder just by looking at him

Bout time I got done saying what I had to say i seen a looked and his eye I never seen before

"Alright you really want to know who she is I'll tell you her name is Kala Palm I met her one day at work she was someone who needed a job and who would do anything for you a job (laughs) later on she would always come to my office with short shit on one thing lead to another and now we here but that's not the worst thing though the bitch is now saying she pregnant"he said looking like he was actually relive that he finally told the truth

"H-how could you do this to me to us" I said letting tears fall down my checks

"Nall don't sit there and play that blame game and shit with me you cause all of this shit Mia" he said like I'm the one who's cheating on him

"H-HOW DID I CAUSE THIS HUH YOU THE ONE THAT GOT SOME RADOM HOE PREGNANT"I yell with nothing but pure hurt and my voice

"Bitch you know good time well you drove me to herI mean look at your ass you fat as hell you don't do shit but sit around then you wonder why I anit fuck your slop ass and 3 years that's because I can't stand your ass Oh and by the way I only kiss your nasty fat ass the other day was because I just wanted you to shut the fuck up he" said smirking

I couldn't say nothing cause I was hurt but mad I was mad at my self for letting it get this far. I was mad at myself more then I was mad at him.

"You can sit your big sloppy ass on that floor all night I wouldn't give a fuck but I got to work so goodnight" he said cutting the lights off and the room leaving me and the dark

I sat and the corner in our bed room for what seem like hours just trying to peace the little of my hurt that was left back. I guess it's true what they say don't ask a question that you really don't want the answer to

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