Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10:

Eight hours later around four pm I was up in my room crying and eating mint chocolate chip ice cream like there was no tomorrow. The doorbell rang downstairs but I ignored it, turning up my music louder. The doorbell rung again and again so I groaned and went downstairs to open the door. I wiped the tears from my eyes and then yanked open the door. Leo stood there wearing jeans, a heavy jacket, gloves, and a hat.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah." I muttered hoarsely in confusion.

I closed the door behind him and we stood in silence for a moment.

"Have you been crying?" Leo asked.

My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe him.

"Your eyes are all red." He said.

"Way to state the obvious Sherlock. Why are you here anyways, to see my pain personally?" I asked angrily.

" What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

I saw the sincerity in his eyes then went to retrieve his letter. I handed it to him and watched him read it over and over for awhile.

Finally he looked up and said "I didn't write this."

"You didn't?" I asked hopefully.

"No. Who gave this to you?"


"Well she doesn't seem to like you." Leo replied humorously.

"So we're still...together?" I asked searching for the right word.

"Yeah," He said grabbing my hand, "But we need to talk."

I felt my stomach drop and my heart beat so loud I was afraid he could hear it. We walked into the kitchen and sat across from each other at the counter.

We were together, now what?

"I'm back on Disney XD." Leo said.

I gasped in surprise, "Leo that's great. I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks but that means I'm going to be gone constantly." he replied sadly.

My heart sank. I felt horrible, I was in the way of Leo's dreams. This should have been a happy moment not one on the border of tears.

"This is what you wanted, what you were fighting for. Don't let me stand in your way." I said.

"You're not in the way," Leo replied, "You'll be my motivation to work hard through the seasons so I can come back to you."

Leo became blurry and I realized I was crying. He stood up and walked over to me, he then embraced me in his arms and let me cry into his shoulder.

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