Twenty - Scenario

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Signs in a Zombie Apocalypse

Aries: The Leader of the group. Takes initiative and fights the zombies head on. They search for the zombies instead of waiting for them to just appear.

Taurus: They keep the hide out safe from any zombies and makes sure everyone is fine. Willing to take them head on if they come near their hide out.

Gemini: Knows everything out the Zombies. They can tell you how to kill them, the best places to hide from them, how to find food and shelter.

Cancer: Helps take care of everyone inside the camp that is injured or sick. Gives everyone hope that they will make it out alive. But they wont hesitate to feed you to the zombies if you anger them.

Leo: Second in Command and has no trouble taking zombies head on. They try to keep everyone lively and take the lead if anything happens to the original leader.

Virgo: Makes sure all supplies are in order, and everyone has what they need before they head out to fight. Tries to find a cure for the infection and helps treat battle wounds.

Libra: Keeps everyone calm and sane. Makes sure the others have the energy they need before they fight off zombies. Tries to help heal the others and gives encouragement to everyone. Might try to reason with the zombies from time to time.

Scorpio: Will fight till the death while taking the zombies head on. Plans their attack ahead of time and finds a challenge in taking on more than one.Finds new places to hide away before they attack.

Sagittarius: Finds the new places to hide out, where to get food and water. Gives everyone hope that there will be a good outcome, occasionally fights off zombies that threaten the new hiding spot.

Capricorn: Teaches everyone in the camp how to move from one place to the other without being seen by zombies. Takes time to work out the best escape route and leads others to the new camp.

Aquarius: Eliminates as many zombies as they can while trying to protect the others. Usually has new and unique ways to attack and fight them off. Keeps the people outside camp safe and protected at all times.

Pisces: Helps aid the sick and injured. Might try to understand and explain to the zombies how they should be peaceful but realizes that doesn't work so they run away and hide in a tree until someone saves them. Will also add creative ways to make plans more efficient.

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