Twenty Seven - 'F'

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When the signs get an 'F' on their report card.

Aries is saying "Chill mum and dad, it could be worse, I could be pregnant. Or am I? . . . ugh it was a joke you're supposed to laugh." Taurus is complaining to everyone "Well if the teacher knew how to teach . . ." While Gemini is claiming 'F' is for f*cking awesome. Cancer is screaming "I actually tried this semester!" and Leo is asking their friends if anyone else got an 'F' not wanting to be the only one. Virgo asks the teacher if it's a typo after Libra says "Ew this isn't okay but whatever I'm over it." Scorpio is saying to themselves "Yay! All those nights I didn't study finally paid off." Sagittarius is claiming it's because the teacher hates them and Capricorn is going to be in a bad mood for the rest of the week. Aquarius is laughing while exclaiming "Wow! I wish I cared!" and Pisces is still trying to pretend the 'F' is an 'A'.

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