Chapter 2-Omari village

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Miral stood before big wooden gates. Its only a guess but I think I arrived. "You stop there!" A guard in a similar brown kimono with golden robes like the two guards she met stood next to the gates. "What the purpose of your visit girl?" She smiled nervously. "Amm... I'm a traveler and I came to explore this village." I hope its a common thing in this world. The guard looked at her suspiciously and then nodded. "Fine. You may pass but don't cause treble.""Yes sir! Thank you." Miral passes threat the gates fastly. That was close... I should learn more about this place.

Miral looked around her. The village consisted of buildings that looked similar to the houses from Edo period. The people were dressed in kimonos as well. Some of them threw glances at her clothing. "I need to change my cloths..." But I don't have any money. What should I do? Two guys passed next to her while chatting. The one in the purple kimono smiled at his friend in the blue kimono. "Did you hear? They say that the prize in swordship competition will be even bigger than the last one.""That's sure allots of money."

Miral overheard their conversation. She had two options at the moment. One to beg or steal money. Two to participate in a deadly competition. I'll go with option two. She really wanted to test her skills and the fight earlier only proved it. Miral decided to follow the two men. After a couple minutes and turnings in the long allies they arrived to a stage in a middle of a big street full of people. On the stage stood seven men with their katanas. Miral frowned. I see only men here. How enjoying. She looked through the crowed until she found her target. A slim men with white red kimono.

Maybe I became nuts after I fell but I have an idea! Quietly she sneaked behind him and hit his neck with the katanas shield. "Oh my! Darling you drank too much again? Don't worry! I'll take care of you!" She dragged him away from the crowed to an empty ally. Well that worked fine. And now... I hope no one is here. With a tint of blush Miral took a breath in and out and stripped the men from his clothing. She hide behind a dumpster and changed her clothing to his. Luckily the cloths didn't stink.

Miral came back into the crowed in a white red male kimono. Its a good thing that men around here had long hair too. But she did felt a little bit uncomfortable in those bandages around her chest. "Excuse me! Where can I register to the competition?" The old man in the blue kimono pointed to wooden booth where a men in a yellow kimono with gold flowers set. "He's the responsible for it. Good luck boy.""Thanks sir." She made her voice more low to mimic a males voice.

Miral stood before the bierded man in the yellow kimono at the wooden booth. "I want to enter the competition." The men took a pen. "Name.""Ahm... Yume!" My family name can be a boys and a girls name right? The men wrote down her name on a paper with other names. "Your'e number eight Yume. Go on stage""Thanks."

Miral got up on the stage by the stairs. Some bulky men stared at her probably thinking she's an easy pray. After two more men got up on the stage the bierded man in the booth stood up. "The registration is over! The competition begins! Be ready to put your bets! First round number three against number eight!" The people cheered.


Mangetsu set comfortably on his throne next to his brother. Wind blew through his long silky black hair. "I don't see anyone special here.""Who knows big brother? Interesting people might appear this time." Shangeru flashed a fox like grin to his brother. Mangetsu frowned. Something was off. "What do you mean?""Well... I bet on number eight.""Number eight?" He looked at the brown haired slim man. "What's so special about him? He looks like an ordinary citizen.""Is that so?" Shangeru chuckled but kept quiet the rest of the time.

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