Chapter 3-Royal invitation

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Miral stood before a tall bulky black haired man in an orange kimono. The man had a confident smirk on his face. "I'm gonna crash ya." She looked on his hand that gripped the katana handle forcefully. Strong physical power but low skill. He won't be a problem. Miral smiled.

The judge stood between them. "Ready!" He stepped away from them. "Begin!" The bulky man charged to her with his katana. Miral stood in a balancing fighting stance. Wait. Wait. Now! Just when he was about to hit her katana with his she swung her katana strongly against his. She knocked the katana from the mans hands. "And the winner is number eight!"


Mangetsu smiled. "I see what you mean little brother." Shangeru smiled back to him. "Ah but don't you see something else?" Mangetsu rised a black eyebrow in question. "Huh?""Don't you think numbers eight moves are very graceful?" Mangetsu stared intensely with his sharp red eyes at Miral quietly for the rest of the time.


After twelve fights only two participants were left. Miral and a tall red haired man in a blue green kimono. They stood across each other. Miral scanned him with her eyes. Good speed and above average skill. Not an easy opponent.

The judge stood between them. "The last fight that will declare the true winner! Put your bets on the strongest one and watch him win!" The judge stepped aside. "Ready! Begin!" Their katanas clashed against each other loudly. Both pushed the other in equal strength. The man swung his sword fastly at her. Miral blocked his katana with hers. I need to find an opening. No. I need to create one. I know! When he swung his katana at her again Miral ducked it.

His katana caught a bit of her clothing near the chest area and ripped it. Her bandages were exposed. Miral didn't notice it yet and exploded the opening he gave her. "Dragon claw!" She swung in one swift strong movement to his katana and knocked his katana from his hand. The crowd and the judge were in shock. Only after ten minutes the judge stood next to Miral. "A... And the winner is number eight!" Shouts were heard from the crowd that she cheated and she was a cheater.

Only then Miral noticed that her bandages were exposed. What?! When... Huh?! "Enough!" Everybody became quiet. A tall black long haired man in a dark blue kimono with gold butterflies stood next to her. "The competition rules never stated the participants have to be only males therefore she never broke any of the rules and considered the winner of this competition." Cheers were heard from the crowd to the winner. Miral started to get down from the stage to take her money before more strange things will happen but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

Mangetsu handed her the sack of money. "This is your prize. Congratulation.""Thanks.""If you're not busy today I wish to invite you for a dinner in my place to congratulate you properly. Its located next to this street. The big white gold building. I'll be really honored if you'll come.""Yeah thanks...""Mangetsu Kururyo. And you?""Miral Yume." Why did I just told him my real name? Well never mind. Miral got down from the stage. Free food huh? Maybe I will visit him. One thing that I learned is never say no to free food.

Mangetsu smirked. Such a strong wiled women. He just found such a rare treasure. He will defiantly play with her. With Miral yume.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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