Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Tanya and I walk downstairs and my brother is leaning against the door. "Short dress much?" He says.

"Aron!" I say.

"I'm just saying, Kate you're only sixteen, you don't need to be dating right now!" He says sternly.

"You cant even say that Aron you started dating at fourteen." I spit back at him.

"Yeah well she broke my heart! That's what they all do, they all break your heart" he says loudly, but almost whispering on the last part. I walk forward and hug him.

"I know she broke your heart, but I need to take risks this is my life not yours" I say.

"I know, and I'm sorry" he says.

"I love you Aron" I say.

"I love you too Kate" he sighs "go have fun" he says stepping out of the hug, and the doorway.

"But I do have to intimidate him sometime" he calls as he's walking away.

"I know" I laugh.

"You guys have like the perfect relationship" Tanya says. I laugh and say

"Well not all the time, but I still love him"

"Alex should be here in like five minutes" Tanya tells me. We walk over and sit in my kitchen.

"I'm so nervous Tanya" I say to my best friend, that's sitting across from me at the big table.

"It'll be fine Kate, I promise" she assures me. Right after she says that the doorbell rings.

"That's Alex" I say standing up.

"Then get going!" Tanya says pushing me. I slowly walk to the door, and pull it open. I see Alex in a white teeshirt, black blazer, and black jeans. He's leaning against the door frame.

"Hey" he says with a smile so small it's pretty much a smirk.

"Hi" I say quieter than I meant to.

"Ready?" Alex asks me standing to his full height, offering me an arm to step down the steps with.

"Yeah, hold on" I say turning to shut the door. I turn back around, and gently grab his arm to step off the step with my gigantic heels. Okay they're not that big but they're still huge!

"You look really pretty" Alex says as we walk to his car.

"Thank you" I say looking down letting my hair fall around my face to hide my blush. Alex steps around me and pulls open my door. I slide in and do up my seatbelt while he walks to his side. He slides in and does his seatbelt up. He starts the car and we slowly pull out of the driveway.

"Where are we going?" I ask him studying his face.

"I'm totally copping out and taking us to a fancy restaurant" he smiles, while laughing softly.

"Well I'm guessing you're not telling me which one right?" I ask.

"Yup'' he says nodding.

After a short drive we pull up at one of the super fancy French restaurants in town.

"Alex you didn't have to take me here'' I say.

"Why?" He asks me while I undo my seatbelt.

"It's the most expensive restaurant in town!" I say.

"Oh well" he grins hopping out of the car to open my door.

"You don't have to do that either" I laugh stepping out of his car.

"Too late" he says. I blush again and we walk towards the restaurant. Once we're inside Alex talks to the hostess about our reservation. She brings us to a table set for two beside a window. It has a candle, two plates, a red table cloth and a basket of fresh bread. We sit down and Alex looks at me intently. "Seeing as we know a lot about each other already we don't have much of a conversation topic." Alex laughs.

"Yeah" I say laughing softly.

"Well, do you have any nicknames or is your name just Kate?'' He asks.

"Well when I was younger my family used to call me kat, Aron and Tanya still do though." I say.

"Kat.. I like that" he says. "I'm gunna call you kitty Kat" he laughs.

"Really? Kitty Kat?" I ask him. He smiles and nods. we look through the menu and wait for the waiter.

"Can I get you something to drink?" a tall blonde girl asks.

"I'll have an iced tea" I say, she smiles and nods

"I'll have a coke" Alex says. I notice her give Alex a once over and walk away.

"She totally just checked you out" I say.

"I have that effect on women."

"Right" I laugh. The waitress comes back with our drinks and takes our order. "I'll have this" I say pointing to a fancy pasta.

"I'll have the same" Alex smiles.

"So, why'd you follow me outside?" Alex asks me. My face takes on an instant blush.

"I uh, you intrigued me I guess" I say deciding to leave out the darkness that drew me in.

"Really? That's all?" He presses. He knows about it, I can tell.

"Okay.. There was something.. dark.. mysterious about you" I say simply.

"Well what if I was dangerous?" Alex asks me studying my face.

I shrug "I don't know"

"Okay well no more following strange men outside" Alex says to lighten the mood.

I laugh. "Aw but that's my hobby!" I joke as our food arrives. We eat fairly quickly, and we only make small talk.

"Holy shit for a skinny girl you eat fast" Alex says.

I blush "yeah.. I always used to have eating contests with my brother" I admit sheepishly. Alex laughs.

"Should we go?" He asks.

"Yeah sure" I say standing up. Alex pays for our food and we walk out to his car. He once again opens the door for me, and I slide in.

"Thanks" I say quietly before he closes the door. He goes to his side and gets in. It's a silent short drive back to my house. When we pull up I look over at Alex. "Thank you for tonight Alex" I say.

"Thank you Kate" he says. I turn to get out but before I can he grabs my arm and turns me back to him. He leans in and kisses my lips softly.

"Bye kitty" he says. I smile and get out of his car.


Hey guys Im like the worst at updating on time but long chapter yay!! And almost 100 reads thank you!!



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