Chapter 16

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It started just as Eric said it would. I can see clear as day in the dark, and in light.. lets just say you can have fine print across the room and I can read it. I hear things better if I wish to, and I can just tell a few things have become more.. acute. Now the headaches have started, which is why I'm about to go talk to Eric.

I walk downstairs, and see Eric sitting in the dining room. I walk to the room and sit across from him. "Eric.. they've started" I say. He nods.

"I know I had a vision earlier." he explains.

"What do I do? Sit and wait it out?" I ask him.

"Yes. You need to realize Kate, these could kill you. If you're not strong enough to become a vampire, you'll die" Eric reminds me.

"I know" I say nodding.

"They should only bug you for about three to twelve hours. Go talk to people and make sure you're at amends just in case" Eric says. I get up and walk to the living room where everyone is sitting and I sit beside Tanya.

"Tanya.. I really hope I'm still around tomorrow" I say turning to her.

"I know... You're strong. You'll get through this. You're going to make it" she assures me. Alex hasn't talked much since we were at the park. I'll talk to him tomorrow.

"Aron.. If I don't make it through this you need to continue being you, don't get hung up on me" I say to my brother.

"Stop talking like you're going to leave me kid" Aron says. I get up and hug my older brother. I turn to my mom.

"Mom, just like Aron you need to keep being yourself and living if I don't make it through this. Mom you two have each other okay. Don't forget that" I say. I feel the pounding in my head increase. I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Headaches?" Aron asks me. I nod, eyes still shut tight. "How about you go lay down?" Aron says. I get up and we go up to my room. I lay on my bed, Tanya lays on one side of me, Aron lays on the other. My mom sits on my window seat, and Alex lays on the foot of the bed.

Three hours later

"Fuck!" I yell. I'm laying face down on my bed. I've asked that the only person in my room is Eric. It feels like something is trying to claw its way out of my head. I scream again, and roll onto my side. I start coughing, and they turn into gurgling coughs, and I taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I spit the blood out, and I feel a warm cloth dab my mouth.

"Just wait, It'll be done soon Kate" Eric soothes me. It feels like someone is repeatedly smashing my head with a brick. I bring my pillow to my face and bite it, curling my knees up.

"It feels like my whole body is burning!" I yell.

"That means you're changing! Kate it's okay" Eric says. My toes curl, and everything goes black.

Eric's POV

I see Kate's eyes stop squeezing shut, and close gently. I know the change knocked her out. You can see the obvious signs of the transformation in her body already. The way that she grows very pale quickly is reassuring, as if she was dying she wouldn't pale that quickly. Her lips become a strong scarlet colour. I hear her strong heartbeat, although its fighting the transformation, its slowly losing the fight. With a final, startling gasp Kate's heart stops. Her lips don't lose colour which is good. Now we just need to wait. I open her bedroom door and see her mother, Tanya, Aron, and Alex outside the door. "It's started. Now we need to wait" I say. I see Aron sigh along with Tanya.

"Can we go see her?" Tanya asks.

"No you must not disturb the body. It could mess up the transformation" I tell her. She sighs and leans back.

Blood lustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora