Wait, She can sing?

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As most of you know I, Beca Mitchell, am the leader of the Barden Bella's or what I like to call our little group, The Aca-Bitches. Anyways, I got a text from Chloe not too long ago saying that, "We have finally found the legacy!!" I had absolutely no idea what that even meant, no idea at all.

I mean, why would I? I know a good deal of the history of the Barden Bella's, but really not that much. Maybe this didn't even have to do with the Bella's, but then again when it comes to Chloe, everything is about the Barden Bella's

Emily's POV

I slowly began to walk up to the official Barden Bella's house, I was nervous as hell at this point. I didn't even know what to do with myself. I finally made the decision to gently knock on the door a little afraid of what might happen.

After a few seconds of waiting, a slightly bigger woman, who I'm pretty sure is Australian opened the door and said, "Sorry, but we aren't taking any new members right now." She began tot close the door and I quickly stopped her with my hand and began to explain  I was a Junk. 

Of course, she had no idea what that meant or what it  had to do with anything, after she left another women approached the door asking "Whatchu  say about yo junk?" I slightly laugh feeling a bit uncomfortable as she lets me in. 

After  meeting a very jumpy red head who knew exactly who Katherine Junk was I was immediately excepted into the Bella's. They allowed me to do a singing audition and I chose one of the songs I had written prior to coming here.

They didn't seem absolutely fond of me but took me in anyways. It was then when we began discussing a party where I would meet the head of the group, Beca Mitchell.

Beca's POV

After meeting the Legacy I felt like I had just fallen in love with my prince except this time it was a princess. If that even makes sense? Actually it doesn't and was a stupid simile to use. Anyways, everything  about Emily was perfect, her dark beautiful hair, her sexy brown eyes, and her awkward shyness mixed in with her adorable voice.

 Just perfect, everything about her is just perfect.

Ugh, I sound like a middle school girl. Emily is great is basically what I'm trying to say, and I'm sure most of you caught my drift about that but just in case I'm saying it again.

Emily's POV

After meeting Beca I felt like everything in the world had just been flipped upside down. I can't even explain how sexy she is. It's almost insane, honestly. She's  just so sweet and kind, and so tall and muscley...? Is that even a word? 

Okay,  well she's not exactly ripped but she did look pretty strong, besides I've heard she's a DJ and can play guitar, my boyfriend can't even play recorder, which is the one instrument I thought everyone could play, but I don't know if there is something wrong with me or if I just feel like I've been locked out of heaven for like, way to long.

At the Bella's Household

As I was editing a mix on my bed I saw Fat Amy come into our room. I smiled at her and watched as she stood in front of me and began to speak.

"Hey, Shawshank," She said very weirdly, causing me to look up at her with a curious and confused looked.

"Hey, Aussie," I replied trying to sound equally as weird as she did.

"Ithinkweneedtoswitchroomsbecauseyoursnoringhasbeenbotheringmelately!" She said way to fast for me to understand 

"What?"  I said with honest confusion.

"I think we need to switch rooms because your snoring has been bothering me lately" she said slower and quieter. 

"Well who did you want to switch with?" 

"Well I was thinking maybe I could switch with The Legacy, since it's basically impossible for Lily to snore." I huffed and agreed with Amy before continuing back to my mix. No longer than a day later Emily became my new roommate.

Is this the part where I celebrate? Yeah? No.

I could pretend like I was excited about all this but honestly I wanted to die. How the hell am I suppoed to function like a normal human being?!

This is still too complicated for my liking, and I'm honestly starting to reevaluate some things and decisions I had made.

"Hey..." I said awkwardly as she sat her stuff down on Amy's old bed. "Hey, Beca." She said with a small smile while finding places to put all her belongings.

"So roomates now, huh?" I said sitting down.


"Alright good talk." I said before leaving the room. Damn, this wasn't going to be easy.

If I Could Hold Her In My Arms, I Would (BecEmily G!P Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now