Le ChApTeR dEuX

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"Oh my gosh, where am I?" Glabriella asked, looking around the area frantically. She looked down at her feet and realised she was on...on...a cloud. She could barely even think!

The fairy in front of her smiled. "Greetings, Glabriella. I am your fairy dogmother. As you can see, I have dog ears." The fairy revealed her ears which were hidden behind dark locks. "My name is Azile."

Glabriella snickered. "What a weird name."

"I am a dogfairy. I have such a weird name because I am AWESOME." Then the fairy sparlked and told Glabriella she had a secret - she was partially related to Edward Cullen, the fairy king! Oh no! Glabriella frowned in disgust. 

"Well, do I get my wishes?"

"Yes, after you get down. I will reverse time. TRY not to puke. I will get that Damon to fall for you. But beware! The love potion only lasts three days! After that, you are on your own."

Glabriella's eyes turned into heart. "Oh thank you so much!"

"Be safe, CinderellyGlabrielly. Did I mention you're the reincarnation of Cinderella? Okay, bye."

Before Glally could protest, the fairy exploded in a fury of clouds and happiness. Also, tons and tons of sparkles. "Huh," Glally said. "She really is related to Edward. Who would've thunk."

Soon, Glally felt herself glitter and she realised she was being transported back to the real world. Ready to meet Damon. Ready for everything. Ready...set...go...SHE WAS A RACER IN THE TRACK OF LOVE. <3

TBC. . .  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2013 ⏰

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