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The thing that is going to help you get friends and make everyone love you is your personality.

1. Be kind to everyone they will tell everybody else about how nice you are and before you know it the whole school is your friends but don't be too kind be a bit fiesty to. Or people will take advantage of you.

2. Have a sense of humor no one wants to be friends with the person who looks so damn misrebable also make some jokes too.

3. Be confident but don't be too cocky or a bitch. Just stand up for what you believe and stand up for your friends.

4. Study nobody's gonna want to date the dumbass I mean it practice.

5. Be cute this kinda only for girls but when you sneez don't sneez like a man do a cute and quite sneez. Boys love it and think its adorable.

6. Boys if you like a girl show it by trying to impress her get her stuff and treat her better than everyone else in the world. Text her sweet messages to.

7. Do not bully anyone at all or everyone will hate you. Or insult someone or talk bad about them or their family someone could over hear and that ain't good.

8. Be spontaneous and adventurous no one wants to be bored sitting in one place the whole time.

9. Make a good first impression they really do count and mean a lot they are what people are going to remember for a life time.

10. Trust me girls you don't want people to call you a slut or beg and boys you don't wanna be known as a player so don't flirt with every girl and girls if you like someone and you are 100% sure then tell your friends.

11. Make friends with the popular kids.

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