Chapter 2

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Luke's P.O.V

When we got to our cabin there were two sets of bunk beds. "I want the top one" I told Calum. "Okay I'll have the one under you" said Calum. Once we got settled in we looked around the cabin. There were two bathrooms and there was also an air conditioner. After we looked around the door opened and two guys walked in I guess there are roommates. "I'm Michael" said the one with pink hair. "I'm Ashton" Said the one with blondish brownish curly hair. "I'm Luke" I said. "I'm Calum" Said Calum. "Nice too meet you guys" Ashton and Michael said in sync. "You too" said me and Calum said in sync I have to admit Ashton is pretty damn cute and I could tell Calum liked Michael. "So is there any camp activities today" Asked Michael. "Um let me check" Calum said looking at the paper that had the camp activities on it. "It says we have to get to know are camp mates and then we have dinner in the mess hall" Said Calum. "Okay how about we play truth or dare?" Ashton said. "Okay sure" I replied. We all got in a circle. "Luke you go first" Said Calum. "Okay umm Ashton truth or dare?" "Truth" "Okay ummmm how old are you?" "I'm 17" Ashton replied. "Okay your turn" I said. "Okay Calum truth or dare" "Dare" "Okay I dare you to kiss Michael" "Okay" Said Calum. Calum leaned over and kissed Michael. They broke apart and they were both smiling. "Your turn Calum" Said Ashton. "Okay Luke truth or dare?" "Dare" "Okay I dare you to kiss Ashton" "Okay" I replied. I leaned over and kissed Ashton. I felt is soft lips kiss me back. When we pulled apart we were both smiling and blushing. "Luke your turn" Said Calum. "Okay Michael truth or dare?" "Truth" "Okay are you and Ashton already friends?" "Yea were best friends, Calum truth or dare?" Said Michael. "Truth" "Okay do you and Luke already know each other?" "Yea we've know each other are whole life's, Ashton truth or dare?" Said Calum. "Truth" "Okay do you have any siblings?" "Yes I have a younger brother and sister, Luke truth or dare?" Said Ashton. "Truth" "Okay how old are you" "I'm 15, Michael truth or dare" I said. "Truth" "okay how old are you?" "I'm 16, Calum truth or dare?" Said Michael. "Truth" "Okay how old are you?" "I'm 16" said Calum. Suddenly the loud speaker came on and the lady said,"All campers report to the mess hall for dinner" We all got up and headed to the mess hall. Once we got there we got are food and sat down together. We were having spaghetti and it was actually good. "I feel like I'm eating worms" Said Michael. "Did you really have to say that?" Calum said with a mouth full of food. "Hey don't talk with your mouth full" I said to Calum. "Shut up Hemmings" said Calum. I just rolled my eyes at him and Ashton just laughed. Once dinner was over we went back to our cabin. When we got to our cabin we just hanged out around the cabin. Then we all went to bed. I would have to say this was a good first day and I think I'm falling for Ashton just a little bit...
Well how do you guys like my second chapter? I hope you guys liked it

~ Katalina

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