(Axis) When He Talks About You

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Hey guys! So when the countries are talking together.
For example, this chapter;
They will talk to one another with their countries, not actual names.
When you are around then they use their names in fear you'll find out (later chapter)
Just wanted to clarify!!!


Feliciano sat in Ludwig's room playing with a little cat happily. He let out little 'Ve~'s as he pet the purring creature.

Their time was quickly shortened when the door slammed open, startling them both.


Both Feliciano and the cat screamed, startled by the loud noise.

"Y-Y-Yes-a Germany?" Feliciano stuttered out, clinging onto the kitten for dear life.

Germany then relaxed and leant again the door frame, looking at his trembling friend. He sighed watching the Italian calming himself and the kitten.

"So, who vas zhat girl?" Ludwig asked," I've never seen her before"

Feliciano's face flushed to who Ludwig was meaning and tilted his head down smiling. He pet the cat as he thought about you.

"She's-a my new friend-a! She's-a really nice!" Feliciano slowly dazzed off into his day dream land, thinking about you. He let out a dreamy 'Ve~' as Ludwig noticed his sing hair strand curling more until it turned into a little heart.

Ludwig stared at Feliciano and rose an eyebrow. He could hear him mumbling about how nice and pretty you are.

"Jou really like zhe frau, huh?" Ludwig asked, causing Feliciano to snap back into reality.

Feliciano blushed more as he giggled and nodded. He could feel his heart shaped curl bounce happily.


Ludwig was running laps for training as you kept up with him, just a few feet behind. You had sweat dripping down fast and heavy, but you were determined to stay at Ludwig's pace.

He slowed down knowing you were going to soon collapse, but that just pushed you further.

You began sprinting past him with the biggest grin.

You thought you had finally ran faster then him and felt so proud of yourself. You finished your finally lap laughing triumphantly as you fell on the grass, landing on your back.

He slowed down and watched you, with a blush forming on his face

The blushed stayed as he was pacing around his room, recalling that event from earlier today.

"You don't understand zhough! T-The sweat, t-the position, I had to get out of zhere!"

Ludwig rambled on, trying to contain his perverted side, but since he was talking to his best friend, it was okay.

The blush stayed, as if burned onto his face forever as he thought about you.

"How is she doing zhis?" He asked.

"Tell me Schticky!" He shouted.... at a stick.

A wooden stick is his best friend.

He talked about you to a stick... A. Stick.

More importantly his schticky friend.


Kiku was not one for talking about his feelings.

He was not one for body contact.

He was more of a 'To himself' person.

So the way he would let his feelings out is by drawing.

You didn't know, I mean, nobody knows but he had tons and tons of drawings of you.

Either full posters or even sketches.

He was currently drawing you again with you smiling and hair flowing.

He felt his cheeks heat up as he looked at his work.

He drew you pulling your hair back behind your ear with a closed eye smile.

Although he couldn't describe with words, he could explain through his art.

He opened his drawer, looking at the stacks upon stacks of drawings of you in all different styles and positions.

He didn't feel like a creep for drawing all those and if someone saw them, he could just say it was a new OC he was making.

He placed the new sketch of you onto the stack and closed the drawer.

He sighed in content as you flooded his mind, refusing to leave.

He felt his heart racing still in his chest at the thought of you and drawing those pictures doesn't help get you out of his mind or get his heart to calm down.


...but he enjoyed this warm, fuzzy feeling.

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