(Allies) When He Talks About You

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Hey lovelies!!!
Guess who's back? ;D I know, I know, I've been dead for LITERALLY years!
Told ya slow updates 😂
I have another surprise for yall and accidentally almost spilled it kms
Love you, Miss you, MWAH!!!


After Alfred helped you unpack all your prizes into your hotel room, he said his goodbyes telling you he'd see you later.

You smiled at him waving goodbye as you closed the door.

Alfred stood outside, a blush across his cheeks and a huge grin plastered on his face. He raised his head up, looking up at the sky. He took a deep breath as he shut his eyes.

He opened his eyes and made a quick sprint down to the street as he called a cab.

~Later that day~

Alfred jumped out of the cab, after paying the driver, and ran to his door. He kicked it open, startling the little gray alien sitting on a chair.

"Tony! Tony! Tony! Tony! TONY! You will NOT believe it! There was this girl and-WOAH YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE HER SKILLS!"

Tony stared at the blonde as he ranted off about how cool you are, but all Tony saw was Alfred flailing his arms smiling and laughing.

"Oh my god, she's hot and-and SO cool to be around and HOT!"

He continued staring at the loud mouthed American unimpressed until he finally spoke up.

"Oh Tony! You gotta met her she's so-!" "Stupid."

Wrong time to interrupt Tony.

Alfred looked at Tony shocked. He couldn't believe what he heard.

"W-What?" Alfred asked hoping it wasn't what he just heard.


Alfred's fists clenched up. How could Tony just call you stupid when he hasn't even met you-

"You're stupid, dumbass."

Alfred then relaxed in confusion and furrowed his eyebrows. Tony then pointed to the front door, which was now broken off the hinges.

Alfred literally kicked the door open and broke it.

Alfred blushed in embarrassment, but laughed it off scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, hahaha... I'll fix it."


Arthur sat on his balcony porch drinking his tea with a plate full of... ahem, "scones".

He enjoyed his time with you, he was so glad you actually took time out of your day to spend with him.

Even though it was mainly filled with screams of terror from Arthur as he nearly burned his kitchen down...

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