CHAPTER 16: What I Need

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When I gently reject his hug, he just sits there, next to me, looking at his shoes.

He is probably thinking that he did something wrong, that's what I'll be thinking.

I just think he is so goddamn nice on the fact that he is not bombarding me with questions. I'm sure he has a lot, and I am willing to give him the answers, but right now, I'm just not feeling it.

We stay there for what it feels like forever, and without thinking I say:

"I want to go home" I don't know what he has planned, but I know that I don't want to figure it out.

When I say that, he immediately stops looking at his shoes and turns his full attention to me, but no words come out.

"Can we go home?" I insist.

His eyes tells me his confused, but his actions shows other feeling.

He stands up from the hotel floor, and offers me a hand to do the same. When we are up, he breaks his silence.

"I don't know if it's something I did, or if something happened" he grabs my hands "but if being home is what you want or what you need, home is where we are going" I nod.

We both make our way to the hotel room, and while I pack my stuff, he goes to Jelany's hotel room (Melany's and Jc's) to tell them what's happening. He comes back with a poker face and we pack in complete awkward silence.

*Kian POV*

We pack and I just stay silence while she is too. I don't want to say something out of place or I don't want to make her feel pressured to tell me what's going on. She will at her own pace. At the meantime, I don't jump into conclusions, I don't know what happened. Maybe it was the kiss, maybe it was something that gave her anxiety, I don't know. I just know she wants to be home, and this trip was probably a mistake. I did it wrong with Melany, and I won't forgive myself if I fuck this too.

We have a long travel back home waiting for us.

*Melissa POV*

We are done packing quickly and we are on our way home.

I feel bad for him, not knowing, and to be honest, I think I wouldn't be able to explain what's going on in my head.

"So... what did Melany say?" I ask him to break the awkward silence.

"They said they would be home by tomorrow afternoon" he says, and that's totally not what I expected.

"Melany asked me to take care of you, that either you are staying at my place or I'm staying at yours" he says.

Are you kidding me? I am not 13 years old, he is just 2 years older than me!

"If you don't want to, it's ok, I'll just tell her I did" He says, and the way he is talking, it's not him, he sounds sad.

"We'll talk about it when we get there" I say.

He nods and continues driving.

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