25 - Trickster

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As soon as Genevieve got back, Leo and Kaely told her what they'd found out. Obviously her mother already knew, but it just helped with the backstory for her plan.

"Okay, everyone know what to do?"

Kaely nodded to Genevieve as they drove in one of her black cars to the address Leo had traced through the phone call to Portia. Leo glanced sideways at Kaely, in his cute little costume. Kaely returned the glance and smuggled a smile.

"You look ridiculous," she admitted, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Not everyone can look as good as you do in daggy clothes," he shot back defiantly, and turned his head out the window. "Naw, I agree with you on this one; the colours don't really compliment my skin tone."

"I still don't think this plan makes sense," Kaely murmured, glancing at Leo again. "I mean, why are you going into the house alone? What will you be able to do if Campbell is inside? We're supposed to be looking for Jared, not helping Allison save her wife."

"If we manage to pull this off," Genevieve replied, "and if we recover Portia from Richard, then she'll be more than willing to hand back Jared. Because he's over here, watching Portia, he won't be able to monitor Jared as well. So we can extract Allison's wife and trade her."

"I know you're expecting some big major plot twist," Leo continued, "but it's really just simple. I'm going in disguised, and you're going to wait here while I get Portia out of the house."

"How are you going to do that?" Kaely demanded. "You could get shot! That's a stupid plan!"

"We told you how we're going to avoid that before, Kaely," Genevieve reminded her. "Weren't you paying attention?"

"No," she admitted. "No, I was actually trying to find a better plan of action; one that might actually work."

"Leo – disguised as a postie – will take a heavy box inside Portia's house," Genevieve repeated, slowly this time. "Once he's inside, we have about thirty seconds to before someone gets curious and investigates. From inside, Leo will deactivate the security cameras from the power box and shut off all power to allow a hidden escape."

"What if they see him coming out the back door?"

"They won't. The ones watching the security cameras will arrive too late; the men watching the actual property are going to be taken down before they can shoot."

"Are you kidding?" Kaely hissed. "The plan's already failed; none of that is actually going to work!"

"Not with that attitude, it's not," Leo snapped.

"You're going to get killed."

"I'm going to save Jared."

"And die in the process!"

"So what do you suggest, Kaely?"

Kaely narrowed her eyes. "I suggest a trade," she growled. "Me for him." Genevieve cursed from the drivers seat and Leo's face darkened.

"We're not letting you trade your own life for his," he scowled. "We're going to make sure you both get out alive, do you understand?"

"It's not going to work," Kaely muttered, returning her gaze to the window. "You'll realise it needs to be done soon enough."

They neared Clare, where Leo had tracked the phone call through to his tablet, and when they rounded up near King Street, Genevieve had her driver pull the car to a stop at the end of the street, right beside on the corner of King Street and Buchanan Street. The number they were looking for was thirty seven; that was Portia's house, and Allison's house. And the house that Richard Campbell may well have been watching.

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