Part 2; Sun Rises arent Beautiful, are they?

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I woke up and heard a knock on the door. I fell out of bed and got up to open the door. My eyes drooped a bit and I sensed Yuki as I opened the door. I moaned at her cheerfulness and close the door with a slam. I took a shower and brushed my hair. I got my uniform on and I grabbed my bag. I left and was going to walk down the stairs when I heard Yuki's voice talking to someone so I jumped out the window. I landed on my feet and walked off to the main building. Then I heard a bunch of screams for idol senpai? Who's that? I just kept walking but then a voice rang out,"Hey toots! Where are you going?!" I kept walking, thinking that he was talking to somebody else, but I felt someone running in my direction and I grabbed there hand as the person tried to touch me and slung him over my shoulder. I walked away but Yuki decided to follow me so I took off. I ran to a nearby tree and then I was quickly surrounded by six girls. They pushed me to my knees and started yelling at me that I should be nice and and apologize to Aido senpai. 'Who in the seven hells is Aido?' I thought. Then I heard a low growl and it scared the daylights out of all the girls.

"Get back to class!" Growled the voice.

I heard the girls run away and I heard a sigh. I felt blood on my hands and knees. I felt skaky and was falling when arms caught me. I was lifted off the ground and sat down on a rock.

"Are you okay? You're bleeding." Said the hunter in a soft and gentle voice.

I nodded and I heard him take something out of his pocket. He started to wrap my knees in bandages. He moved to my hands and wrapped them up gently. He helped me up and let me go.

"Thank you. Um I didn't catch your name." I said.

"Zero. Zero Kiryu." Said the hunter.

"Well thanks Zero." I said.

Zero POV

She thanked me but she had a sad sound in her voice.

"You don't have to go to class today, if you don't want to." I said.

"Really? Good! I don't want to deal with them." She replied.

She still had that sad sound. In fact, ever since I first saw her she had a melancholy sound and look. She walked away and I stared after her. I walked to Yuki and started to scold her.

"Yuki! You're suppose to help the new girl, not abandon her!" I yelled at her.

"Why should I watch her?! She's mean to me and she doesn't answer me and I am tired of her attitude towards me!" She screeched.

"Well she's new and doesn't trust anyone! Especially since you hit her with the door!" I yelled at her even more.

"That was an accident! If you think you can do better than be my guest! I will not let her treat me badly anymore!" She yelled.

I walked off ignoring her calls.

Karma's POV

I walked away heading towards the girl's sun dorm when I couldn't move my leg all of a sudden. Then I felt a presence. An aristocrat. A vampire. I felt him standing on a tree. I stood there, ignoring him the best I could.

"Hey. Ignoring me, huh? Well I can solve that." He said.

He walked towards me and grabbed my chin. He bent down and tried to kiss me but I punched him in the stomach. He yelped and I hit him over the head with my heavy bag. He froze my arms and I glared but my eyes kept closed. He bent down to my lips again but I shrieked.

"I will NOT have my first kiss be some stupid vampire guy I don't like!!!" I yelled at him.

Then he bent down to my neck and I found myself yelling someone's name.

"Zero! ZERO!!! Zero help me!!!" I screamed. I heard a gunshot and it rang throughout the academy. Zero appeared out of nowhere but he was being chased by the night class.

Zero was pinned down on the ground just as the vampire grabbed my frozen arm. He walked over to Zero and froze Zero up to his shoulders. Zero glared at the vampire blonde. The vampire licked Zero's neck and was about to bite down. I got mad and I started to freeze over.

Zero's POV

I saw Karma glow white and just as Aido was about to bite down he looked over at the girl. Everyone stared and her skin grew white and the ice crawled up her skin to her arms and it went to her hands. It made patterns all over her arms and she had ice on her face. It made a curly silver mask that showed her face. She scowled and stood on her tip toes.

"Leave that student ALONE!!!" She screamed and she put her hands together and shot the ice at Aido.

He froze. No it's more like he was frozen. The ice wasn't breaking and when Kain tried to unfreeze Aido with his flames it only got rejected which unfroze the ice I was stuck in. I got up slowly cause her eyes were white and glowing. I walked to her and she was floating in the air. I reached my hand out to her and her hand grabbed my wrist. I stifled a scream as I felt her ice like hand holding my wrist.

"Leave! Back to class! NOW!!!" She screamed.

I watched as they ran for the building and she all of a sudden stopped glowing and she passed out. I held her close to me as warmth returned back to her. She had tears running down her cheeks and I was sitting there on the ground with a beautiful girl in my arms. She was extremely beautiful and I couldn't think. She had beautiful black hair and brown eyes with red lips and she was extremely skinny. She was only up to my shoulder and her beautiful complexion was breath taking. She cries in her sleep? That's kinda weird. I picked her up and took her to my dorm.

"Sunrises aren't beautiful, are they?" She whispered.

I stood there shocked but I answered.

"Yes. Yes they are.

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