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Zero's POV

"What happened?!" Screeched Karma.

"The monster that attacked you both bit his throut pretty bad so I don't think he can talk anymore. I'm sorry." The dude named Jason said.

What?! I can't talk anymore?! Noooooo!!!

Things stayed quiet for a minute.

I wonder if I can send my thoughts to people.

I shrugged at my own thought and Karma was pretty upset as well. W

5 weeks later~

We had spent 5 weeks with Jason in his cabin. I could send my thoughts to Karma and she spoke them aloud. We grew to be a team. I had gained a new power for some reason. I could turn into a werewolf. So could Karma. We found out that Jason was a werewolf and we followed his lead. Soon we had to leave.

Tell him we have to go.

"Um... Jason? We got to go back to the academy." Karma said.

"Oh! Really? So soon?" Jason asked.

"Yep." Karma answered.

We walked out the door and waved at him.

Tell him thanks for his hospitality.

"Thanks you from me and Zero for your hospitality Jason." Karma said.

We turned into wolf form and ran through the forests. We finally arrived to the main gates to the academy. We jumped over and landed gracefully to the ground. Then we saw the night class coming outside. Then I figured out why. They've been looking for us. Kaname reached us first and he glared at us.

Karma's POV

"Do you know who you two worried? You scared headmaster and Yuki! What do you got to say for yourself?!" Kaname shrieked.

Zero looked down and sent me a thought.

Tell him we don't have to tell him anything and that he needs to take a chill pill.

"We don't have to tell you anything and you need to take a chill pill!" I said.

I. Felt that He glared harder.

"You two are so heartless! Karma Nightmare I would dismiss because you are new but Zero! Really! You had headmaster and Yuki worried half to death!" Kaname snarled.

Zero looked at me and did a silent sigh.

Tell him to go fuck himself and to suck a dick. Tell him to get off my back!

"Well go fuck yourself and go suck a dick and get off Zero's back!" I snarled.

Kaname glared at me and I glared back.

"Where did you two go?" He demanded.

Where did your brain go?

I started giggling and Kuran glared at me.

"What's so funny?" He asked, angrily.

Just imagined him as a girl. He looks like older and taller Yuki. Even more whiny.

I bursted into laughter!

"What's so funny?!" Kaname yelled.

Wow! Someone lost his patience. Oh well. Not like I really cared. I'm a demon. A good looking one at that.

I smirked at Zero and he gave me a cocky look.

"We don't have to answer you and you cannot force us to answer you." I said, in a smart alecky tone.

He was angry.

He grabbed me and Zero by our arms. I growled while Zero remained silent. After a while we were at the headmaster's office. He pulled us in and headmaster looked up.

"Zero! Karma! I missed you both so much!" He yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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