The Big Decision

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Yep, that's right! I'm reposting this story and I will update it when I have writers block and give it my main focus once I've finished TTTAP. Enjoy!:D

All Rights Reserved.

Time’s running out for the Dehiria Pack. With their pack under attack and their Alpha, Kevin, injured and on his death bed, a new Alpha needs to be appointed. With no heir to take the position, the responsibility falls to Dehiria’s Beta – Harry. But he must have his mate by his side for him to take on the role.

Harry’s at a dead end though; he’s searched high and low for his mate, in every nook and cranny the world held – literally. He’s been all over the world, just to find his special girl; but with no such luck. Finally given up hope of ever finding their future Luna, the Dehiria Pack prepares for the dreaded danger that lies ahead.

That is until Oria steps into Harry’s life. With just one look he knows she’s the one, the one he’s been searching so hard for. With everything suddenly having fallen into place, luck seems to be on Harry’s side. That is until he discovers one teeny, tiny glitch - Oria has no idea Werewolf’s really exist nor does she realise that she is in fact one herself.

Harry has to compete against the run of time to win Oria’s heart and explain who she really is as the Alpha’s death grows near. But she is in danger as the Dehiria’s Pack attackers will stop at nothing to take it over.

With everything being unravelled so quickly, more secrets and truths come to light, ones that can change Oria and Harry’s lives forever.

But the vital question is:

Once she learns the truth, will she stay or will she go?

The Big Decision (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora