5. Wishing I Was Still Asleep

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The sound of arguing in the corridor, brought me out of a sleep that wasn't filled with nightmares, the feel of a soft plush bed however tried to lull me back to them. When I mumbled and went to roll over instantly the arguing stopped and the door to my room was thrown open and the light was turned on, causing me to bury my head in my pillow and throw a few profanities at them as I tried to welcome sleep.

"You could have at least chosen one with manners Zachary." Someone scolded at the end of my bed.

Picking up a pillow that lay next to my head I threw it without lifting my head up, "Leave me alone Jude, I'm grounded remember I don't need to be anywhere." I lift my head out of the pillow to scream it, only to realise that I wasn't in my shoebox of a room but one that would closer match a penthouse suite.

And standing at the bottom of my bed were two impeccably dressed men. However, they couldn't have been more different to each other in appearance, like light and dark or yin and yang, they were complete opposites. The man on the left looked kinder and almost apologetic with mahogany coloured hair swept back so that it accentuated his sculpted face, he looked about 6 ft something and his suite fitted him perfectly, with only a look I knew it would be a crime to force him to wear anything else. Where as the man on the right had angelic blonde hair that curled slightly around his head allowing him to appear almost carefree, however his appearance completely clashed with the look of pure hatred on his face as he stands there with one hand holding the pillow I threw blindly. But I knew I couldn't trust either of them, the hell fire red that framed their pupils was evidence enough.

 "Please don't do that again." Comes the voice that had already commented on my lack of etiquette as he threw the pillow back at me.

"That's enough Caleb."

"Enough Zachary? What the hell were you thinking? Look at her." As he finishes his sentence they both turn back to look at me, as I looked down at my self.

I wasn't in the khaki shorts and black tight vest top I'd thrown on earlier, I was in a high necklace nightdress that people only now about because of Jane Austen books. The thought that these weren't my clothes brought me back to the alley way. How I'd managed to sneak out of The Orphanage while they preformed their nightly procedures was a complete mystery, I'd never really been one for stealth, that point had been proved when I slid of a box and cut myself on a piece of broken glass that I had managed to get out before it could effect me. Fumbling about I move my hand under my dress to try to find the wound.

"What did you do?" The words come out as a hiss.


"I said. What. Did. You. Do?" I spit out each word as I try to remain calm.

My anger only seems to improve Caleb's mood. "Oh no Zacky, it seems like you're new pet is upset." He mocks in a babyish voice.

Zachary or Zacky lets out a growl that could never have been produced by a human throat, but as he turns to face me he smiles and looks so helpless when he comes across and strokes my arm trying to comfort me, as he brings me into his arms.

I was so shocked I didn't know what to do. Instantly all the muscles in my body began to relax, I felt my protective wall beginning to crumble as I let my self be hugged

"Oh, god. What did you do to me?"

Zachary shifts me in his arms so that he can speak into my ear while rubbing my back to calm me down as I start to sob uncontrollably. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He repeats over and over again.

"You're sorry? Jesus Zachary grow a back bone." Zachary pulls back from me so he can glare at Caleb, who shifts his attention onto me. "You want to know what happened to you little girl? You what to know what he did? He changed you, made you better, made you superior and saved your worthless life when he made you into a vampire."

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