I've got Something to Say (imagine #1)

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Today is the day. You'll either end up with no friend after this, or you will end up with the best girlfriend in the whole world, Josh thought to himself. For a while, he had had his eye on his best friend, and he was sure that he was in love with her now, all he needed to do was tell her. 

Josh slowly pushed the door to the quaint little café open to see that his best friend, (Y/N) was sitting in their usual spot by the window, sipping on what he only assumed to be tea, she hated coffee. Josh swallowed hard, a lump already forming in his throat, his mind screaming at him about what he was going to do in a matter of minutes. He shakily stepped towards her, his heartbeat slowly speeding up and getting louder in his ears.

(Y/N) stood quickly, enveloping Josh in a gigantic hug, her hair getting in his face. She smiled into the hug, and Josh began to feel safe about telling her. Then a waitress who was too spunky smiled and took his order. "I'll have a small coffee, black, and a slice of the strawberry cheesecake," Josh said, looking anywhere but the waitress' eyes. She smiled and left, to get his order.

Josh hated to admit it, but he was so nervous about (Y/N)'s reaction when he would tell her his feelings. He had never been good with words, and what if he really messes up this time, what if he says something wrong? What if the person Josh liked, maybe even loved, didn't ever want to speak again? His thoughts were interrupted when (Y/N) softly touched his hand. He jolted. "Josh, are you alright? You've been staring into space for a long time..."

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about stuff," Josh shrugged.

"So, why'd you want to hang out today? You said you had something to say, what's the big announcement you had to make, Joshy?" (Y/N) said, looking at him all-too-knowingly. Josh quickly cursed himself. Am I too obvious? He thought.

His hands started to shake, a nervous habit he had never grown out of. He looked up into your beaming eyes. He averted his eyes to a random painting of swirls on the wall, the design perfectly matching what his head was going through in that exact moment. He swallowed hard and started to speak shakily:

"So, I guess there's no other way to say this other than to do it in the bluntest way possible, and here goes nothing. I...I guess...I...I like you. Like you a lot (Y/N)." Josh stuttered out, the end of his statement barely audible.

You sipped thoughtfully on your tea, looking at him. He looked like a scared puppy. You rested your hand on his once more, steadying his from the shaking. "Hey, I've got a secret too," You whispered, leaning in close, and softly kissing him on the lips. Josh sat there in disbelief, but soon after, he leaned in half way again, and you closed the gap, bringing your lips together again.

"So, does this mean I can officially call you my boyfriend, Joshy?" You said, teasingly.

"Of course you can, (Y/N), just don't ever call me Joshy again," Josh stated, giggling slightly.

"Yeah, like that's ever going to happen," You wink.

Josh never noticed that the waitress had forgotten to bring him his coffee and cheesecake, and quite frankly, he was totally alright with this.

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