Ice Skating

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---AUTHORS NOTE-  I promise there will be more imagines coming soon. ---

"Gosh, I really hope I don't fall flat on my face in front of Josh" I thought out loud to myself whilst waiting for Josh to pick me up to go to the ice skating rink. The thought sent shivers down my spine as I thought of how embarrassing that would be.

I casually peek out the window, anxiously waiting for Josh to pull up on my driveway. How do I approach him? Will he walk up to the front door or should I just go up to the car? I mean, we have been dating for about three months but I'm just so awkward around him and I can't help it. I lost time debating all of these scenarios in my head and before I knew it, Josh was pulling into the driveway in his black range rover. Luckily, he walked up to the door so that saved me from feeling awkward.

As I opened the door I noticed that his beautiful curls were gently pulled back into one of his infamous beanies, I love when he wore his hair that way.  The moment he saw me he gave me that classic Josh smile that always makes my body tingle. Gosh I am just so lucky to call him mine.

The whole ride to the ice skating rink was spent with our hands intertwined as he drove. We talked about how I am horrible at ice skating and he told me not to worry, that he would keep me from falling onto the harsh cold ice.

Josh helped me lace up my skates since I had no clue how this whole skating thing worked. Let's be honest, I'm helpless. Josh pulled me into a warm embrace as we prepared to embark onto the rink.

"Don't worry babe, I'll hold onto you the whole time" Josh said to reassure me.

My first step onto the rink was a shaky one. It was so difficult to keep myself up, even with Josh's help.

"Try to relax beautiful" he said to me, "it'll be easier if you're not so tense."

"I can't do this Josh. Maybe we should just go back to my house and watch a movie or something" I suggested, but my idea was quickly shot down.

"Hey, don't give up so quickly. You can do this."

Against my will, I kept trying. Josh was practically holding me due to the fact that I could barely stand on the ice without almost falling. I was given a few skating tips from Josh and eventually I was able to glide on the ice while maintaining some stability. Although I still held onto Josh's hand for extra support.

Soon I caught on to the whole skating thing and actually enjoyed it. My skating skills could definitely use some work but I didn't do too bad for my first time.

"I knew you could do it" Josh said as he planted a kiss on my head.

As we were walking back to the car Josh grabbed me from behind and pulled me into a warm hug and kissed me. This was by far one of the best dates we had been on yet.

"How about some hot chocolate to warm us up" I suggested as we drove away. Josh gave me a dorky smile and grasped my hand.

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