Chapter one

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It was that time of the year again.

It's a brand new academic year after a long summer holiday. I stroll around the school corridors as I take in my familiar surroundings; everything looked the same as they were several months ago, except for the newly fitted double glazing windows laying round the school. Faces of new students that have had the pleasure of joining RavenClaw high school appeared everywhere I walked; all filled with the same facial expression of nervousness and anticipation for learning new things.

Normally, I would feel the same way they're feeling but it's literally always the same shit at the beginning of the year. You spend the first couple of weeks, going over classroom rules of what is expected and what is not tolerated, you're given new exercise books and textbooks that you'll probably destroy by the end of the year. The only thing that's amazing about starting a new academic school year is probably seeing the idiot you call your bestfriend and talking about how the school year is probably going to end like last year; with you dying from insomnia and several mental breakdowns not only from your subjects but your teachers as well.

I walked over to the lockers where my bestfriend Lilly was waiting for me, "Hey slut!"

"Hey bitch!" Lilly replied before giving me a hug, "I've missed you so much."

"You literally saw me a couple of days ago." 

"Doesn't mean I don't miss you, plus I wanted to feel like the students who are in RavenClaw all excited that school started again because they get to see their friends, just wait till they reach senior year like us."

"I know right, everyone's excited about senior year and I'm here wishing high school was done already. It's literally like the first day of school is the day the countdown to the end of school starts."

"Ugh, I'm so tired. I didn't sleep till 3am yesterday. RIP my sleeping schedule." 

"I know right, mine as well."I agreed, "I just can't wait till this day is over."

"Yeah me too..." Lilly replied as she grabbed some stuff from her locker, before we both made our way to Science.

We made our way through the crowded corridors filled with teenagers before reaching the corridor that led to our classroom. I pulled my phone from my back pocket and checked the time before someone walked into me causing my head to bash into something hard.

"Oh I'm sorry my bad." I heard a voice say.

I look up and see a boy with blonde curly hair towering over me, with nerd glasses that made him look what you would call cute.

"Um... it's okay." I reply as I look at my books which had fallen from my hands and were scattered across the floor.

"Sorry, here let me." The boy says as he starts bending down to pick my books up.

"Um... okay."

After the boy finished picking up my books he handed them over to me and walked off in the opposite direction of me and Lilly.

"Are you okay?" Lilly asked.

"Yeah, my head just hurts a bit."

"Let's get to class." Lilly says as she drags me by the hand towards our Science classroom which was only down the hallway.

We arrived at our Science class and decided to sit at the back of the class, where we would have the perfect view of everyone. We placed our notepads on the table and waited for the rest of the class to file in. Lilly decided to go on her phone to pass time whilst I sat there tapping my pen against the table, when a decent looking boy entered the classroom. He was wearing black skinny jeans that seemed to fit him perfectly, a nirvana shirt with a grey hoodie and a maroon coloured beanie that covered most of his blonde hair. He has the brightest shade of baby blue eyes I have ever seen, and a lip ring that looked good on him.

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