Chapter Sixteen

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I jolt awake when I hear my phone ring. I groan before grabbing my phone off the bed side table and answering it.


"Hi Scarlett, guess what?" Lilly asks.

"What?" I whined.

"I have a new boyfriend, his name is Tyler."


"Since a week ago, I'm coming to pick you up for school." Lilly says before ending the call.

I whine before staring at my alarm clock which read 6:54am, I get out of bed and take a quick shower, before brushing my teeth and putting on some baby blue coloured jeans and a maroon coloured jumper which had dope written over it in white.

I ran downstairs and see my mum getting ready to leave.

"Morning Scarlett."

"Good morning mum." I replied.

"Why are you awake so early?" My mum asked.

I groan, "Lilly wants me to go to school with her."

"This early in the morning?"

I nod.

"Well I got to go sweetheart, I'll see you later... have fun in school." My mum says before she kisses me on the forehead and leaving the house.

I smile before pouring myself a cup of apple juice. The doorbell rang and so I grabbed my school bag and left the house before jumping in Lilly's car and driving to school. I was so tired that I ended up sleeping in her car, even though the car journey was only 10 minutes.

"Why are we so early to school?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know, it's better to be early than late...isn't that what you always say?"

I look at her in disbelief, "Since when did you actually start to care about your education, last time I checked, you started blurting swear words about how school is shit and boring and how you would rather jump off a cliff than be in math class."

"That doesn't count, plus I need to go to college in the future so I at least have to make an effort in my education." Lilly replied.

I roll my eyes before exiting the car, when Ashton's car parked in front of me. Ashton and the other boys hopped out the car and we all ended up hugging each other except Luke and Lilly they kind of awkwardly stared at each other.

I yawn.

"Good morning sleepy head." Ashton says.

"It's not my fault I got forced out of bed by my bestfriend just to get to school early." I complained.

"Come here." Ashton says as he wraps his arms around me and places his chin on my head. I hug him back.

"Let's get inside guys its kinda cold out here." Michael suggested.

We all walk inside the school building and sat down on a stair case and started talking about stuff whilst I buried my head in Ashton chest and fell asleep.

"Hey Scar it's time to wake up." A voice said as they shake the side of my arm.

I open my eyes slowly and see Ashton smiling at me while the rest of the guys including Lilly were all packing their bags getting ready for the first lesson.


It was currently lunch time, Calum, Michael and Luke had to do something, so it was just me, Lilly and Ashton.

"Hey so I'm going on a date with Tyler tonight would you guys please come with me?" Lilly begged.

"Why would we want to come on your date? Isn't a date only meant to be between two people?"

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