Chapter 8

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"You look beautiful Le." Jason says and I blush.
"Aren't you going to say anything to me?" I look at him and he smirks.
"Well I'd say you look beautiful too, but since you're not a girl..."
"Nothing." I smile innocently even though I was about to call him a girl.
"I don't know, your smile looks very different."
"Really now?"
"Yes, I think it's 'cause you're now 14." We both laugh.
"Maybe."  The waiter then comes up to us. It's a young girl around 18. She has light brown hair tied in a bun.
"Are you ready to order?" She asks smiling.
"Yes," Jason and I tell her our orders and she writes them down.
"Remember that day I went to your house?" Jason asks and I nod. "You never told me who you liked." I freeze. How am I going to tell him I like him? It will make this whole dinner awkward.
Jason's P. O. V.
She looks so nervous.
"I," she starts. "I don't like anyone." I notice she's lying but why? Does she like me and is scared to tell me? I hope so. "By the way, Bia and Gracie think I should give Josh a chance. He sent me a text and I think he really does like me." Why did she have to bring Josh up?
"Le, I don't think it's a great idea. But if you think he does, then give him a chance." She seems shocked at my answer and honestly I am too.
"Are you sure?"
"Yea." I look at my empty plate.
"Here are your orders." The waitress says, putting down our food on the table. I thank her and Lea does too. We dig in quietly.
"Jay?" Lea says and I look at her. "You okay?" I nod and start eating my food again. Honestly, it hurts that she wants to give Josh a chance. I think I finally came to the senses that I like her. "You know, if you don't want me to give Josh a chance tell me. The girls told me to ask for your opinion since you know Josh better then me. If you think it's not the right choice I won't. Just please don't give me the silent treatment."
"Look Lea, no I don't think it's a good idea. If I were you I would keep my distance from him, he wants you as another victim. I can't let you get heartbroken like all the other girls."
"Ok, I trust you. I won't give him a chance." I smile at her.
"Thank you." She smiles back and we start eating again with little conversation.
Lea's P. O. V.
"So how was it?" Bia asks. I missed a few calls from her so she's been blabbering on and on about how I should never let that happen again.
"Are you two dating now?"
"Because he doesn't like me."
"That's not true."
"Yes it is."
"He will ask you to be his girlfriend sooner or later."
"If he ever does that it will be later, way later..."
"Not true, it's probs going to be sooner." I roll my eyes.
"I gotta go."
"Ok, love ya Le."
"Love you too."
"Happy birthday again."
"Thanks, bye."
"Bye." I hang up and go to bed.

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