Chapter 9

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"C'mon Troy, the plane is almost here." I say tapping my foot on the front porch.
"I'm coming." Troy shouts from his room.
"He's half asleep lets go without him." I tell my aunt.
"Ok," Aunt Lin says. "Troy go back to bed we'll go get Grace."
"Thank goodness." I hear Troy say and I run to the car.
"Your brother is so weird." Aunt Lin says sitting in the driver's seat.
"You got that right." She laughs and I join her.
The drive is silent with me staring out the window.
"There it is." I jump from my seat and look out the window. There it is. I dial Bia's number.
"Bee, the plane just landed."
"Omigosh, tell her I said hi please."
"I will. After so long omigosh. Let's meet up at Starbucks."
"Ok, now go get Grace."
"Ok, see ya."
"Bye." I hang up. After a sea of people I finally see her. I run into her arms.
"I missed you so much Grace." I say with tears in my eyes.
"I missed you too Le." I look at her and there are tears in her eyes. I give her a weak smile and she gives me the same weak smile.
"C'mon, we're meeting up with Bee at Starbucks."
"Ok, let's go then." We hurry into the car. "Hello Ms. Lin."
"Hello sweetheart. How was your flight?" Aunt Lin asks, starting the car.
"Good. How's the hospital?"
"Busy." We all laugh.
"Auntie can you take us to Starbucks please." I ask her.
"Sure is Bia there?" I nod. Grace and I talk about different things, from summer to school to Mason, (Grace's brother) and everything really. We get to Starbucks and we see Bia in one of the booths.
"Thank you auntie, bye." I wave at my aunt.
"Bye girls, have fun." Gracie says bye and we head over to our booth. Bia jumps from her seat and gives Gracie a bone-crushing hug.
"C-can't... B-breathe." Gracie said between breaths. Bia let her go and apologised.
"I can't believe your parents actually let you stay here for the rest of summer break." Bia says.
"I know but since my mom had Mason she has a lot to worry about. So I said it was less work." Gracie explains.
"I'm happy my mom let me stay here for tonight. I missed you so much." Bia hugs Gracie.
"I missed you too Bee." They let go of each other and Gracie looks at me. "How's Jason?" I blush at his name.
"He's good." As if on cue my phones goes off signaling I have a message. Jason. Why would he text me at 10pm?
"Who is it?" Bia asks.
"Jason." Their eyes widen.
"What does it say?" Gracie asks and I open the message.
"He wants to talk to me." I say reading the text.
"Well tell him tomorrow he can come over." I look at Gracie.
"You sure?" I ask her. She nods.
To Jason - Ok, tomorrow you can come over. I send the message and look at my friends.
"He's definitely going to ask you to be his girlfriend." Bia says and I roll my eyes.
"He's not he doesn't like me."
"Well that he does, what you mean is he only likes you as a friend... Which is not true." Gracie says.
"Thanks for the help Grace."
"Anytime sweetheart." We all laugh. "Oh, before I forget this is for you." Gracie stands up and heads over to a bag. She pulls out the drawing she showed me through Skype.
"Omigosh, I thought you were kidding." She shakes her head.
"Nope." She hands me the drawing and I hang it on my wall.
"Thank you Grace." I hug her.
"No problem." She lets go and gets another drawing from the bag. "This one is for you Bee."
"Thank you so much Grace." Bia hugs Gracie and then puts her drawing in her bag.
"So wanna watch a movie?" I ask.
"Yes!" Bia exclaims. We laugh at her excitement. I pick up two movies. Star Trek and The Fault In Our Stars.
"Which one?" I ask showing them the two movies.
"The Fault In Our Stars." Bia exclaims grabbing the movie from my hand.
"Grace?" I ask looking at her.
"Well I'd rather watch Star Trek but, we can watch the other one." She shrugs. "I've read the book it's quite cool so we can watch it." Bia and I squeal. "You two are crazy."
"I know we are." I say and we all start laughing. "Ah, I miss the days we had together."
"At least we're together now." Gracie says and we all hug each other.
"Let's watch the movie now." Gracie and I laugh at Bia. I turn on the plasma in my room and put the movie in the DVD player. We sit down and enjoy the movie.
"I'm so tired." Bia says. Bia and I finished the movie and Gracie fell asleep have way through it.
"Me too, let's go to sleep." Bia nods and gets inside her sleeping bag. I pull the covers of my bed on top of Grace and get into my sleeping bag. The sleeping bag was supposed to be fro Grace and I would stay with my bed, but since Grace fell asleep on my bed I have to sleep on the sleeping bag. "Good night Bee."
"Good night." I close my eyes and the memories of all the good times my friends and I had, came flooding back until sleep took over me.
I wake up and my friends are still asleep. I slowly get up and head to the door opening it. I leave my room closing the door behind me and head to Troy's room.
"Troy." I say knocking on his door. I hear him mumble so I open the door. Walking in I see he's still half asleep. "Good morning."
"Five more minutes." He mumbles. I chuckle and slightly shake him.
"T, you have to get up." He turns around and slowly opens his eyes.
"What time is it?" He asks in his morning voice.
"7:30, you have half an hour to get ready." He sighs and gets up. I make his bed and then go to the kitchen and prepare a few pancakes.
"Thank you for waking me up Le." I hand him his plate.
"It's fine." We both sit down and eat our breakfast. "Are you nervous?"
"Why would I be? It's the first time I'm going to the tryouts for the school's football team."
"No need to get sassy bro." We laugh and finish our meal.
15 minutes later
"Good luck T. I know you'll do great." I wave at him.
"Thank you Le. Bye see you later." He waves back and gets in the bus.
"Bye Troy." I jump at Bia's voice behind me. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."
"No it's fine. Good morning."
"Good morning. I see you made pancakes."
"Yea I did. Is Grace awake?"
"Yup, she's making the bed."
"Oh she didn't have to."
"I told her that."
"Ok." Let me go shower. The pancakes are on the table." She nods and I head to my room. After I shower I get dressed and head downstairs. "Good morning Grace."
"Thanks for making the bed, you didn't have to."
"I know but I wanted to." I sit down next to her. "What time is Jason coming?"
"We're meeting at Starbucks at 9:30."
"Ok, I can take Grace to my house and then you go meet us there." Bia says. I nod. "You know he likes you right?" I sigh.
"Bee, he might like me but just as a friend."
"That's not the like I mean."
"Well it's the one Jason considers me."
"That doesn't make sense."
"Too bad." We laugh.
"Wow time flies." Bia says looking at her pink watch.
"What time is it?" I ask trying to look at her watch.
"8:30. You better start going." I nod.
"Thank you for staying Bee. Have fun you two. Bye."
"Bye." They say simultaneously.

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