Waiting for a Doctor

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'Dr Watson, there is a Harold Mayweather with IBS coming in for his check-up'

 I speak in a hushed tone as I see the rather poorly dressed man in front of me, slightly hunched in a way that would explain his Irritable bowel syndrome causing him pain. I push the phone down onto its receiver before I can hear John's sad moan as he has yet another patient to come in on the busiest day of the week, Saturday.

'It's the room behind me Mr Mayweather'

I gesture my hand in the direction of John's room and fill his name into the register sheet. In no more than 5 minutes, I see a shuffling figure in front of me and raise my head to see Harold, the IBS patient clutching in his hand a prescription sheet and his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. I know that he wants to ask where he can pick up his medication from, so I decide to put him out of his misery.

'Hello again Mr Mayweather, the pharmacy is just down the hill next to Tesco's'.

He mutters what sound like 'tah' and shuffles out of the grey cold building, looking as miserable as the cold concrete walls do. I look down at my register and I am pleased to see that Mayweather was the last patient of the day. I think about John in the other room and I am about to dial 445, which is Dr Watson's room number, when I hear his rich, gentle voice next to me

'All done then?'

I look up slowly to see his light brown eyes looking into mine and I can feel his breath hot on my neck.

'Well Dr Watson, there is actually one patient that needs to be seen'

I hear my voice catch in my throat, and I realize that this is the effect my husband still has on me, even two years after we made our vows each other. John's happy little face droops slightly as he tiredly asks.

'Ugh who bloody wants seeing now? It's 6 o'clock in the bloody evening; it's a Saturday for Christ's sakes!'

Brushing my fingertip on his soft lips, I move my hand under his chin and tilt it towards my face.

'It's me, I want seeing too. Now give your old wife a kiss would you?'

I feel John's face come towards mine as I close my eyes and wait for my kiss, but a strange pang of hurt surprises me when I feel his soft lips brush against my cheek for no longer than a second. He walks in front of me to the door and calls me over.

'Hurry up then, we are going to be late for our meal with Sherlock'

Oh how he hates to keep his beloved Mr Holmes waiting.

'I'm coming'

I grab my coat and wrap my scarf around my neck as I prepare to embrace the cold reality of the outside winter wonderland that is London.

Please could you write in the comments what you think of the story so far or if there are any mistakes you would like to point out. Thank you and I hope you like it :)

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