Dining with Enemy

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John stands behind me waiting for me to pass him out the door. Lowering my head, I go through the open door and begin walking towards the green wooden gate that leads out on the main road outside our house. It had taken us six months to buy this house and it was basically all of our savings as well as a small loan from Sherlock. It was a modest semi-detached red brick house with a white picket fence and fair sized front and back garden for our beautiful little boy, Hamish. He is at summer camp at the moment with his cousin Kate, Harry's adopted daughter. 

As John joins me at the green gate, he opens it for me and weakly smiles.

'Look Mary' 

I turn towards him and look at him patiently.

'Yes John' 

He stammers out 'W-well I just want to clear the air up a bit between us' 

'I would like that too John but you need to understand that this "air"...' I gesture with my hands.

'...This tense and depressing spot we seem to be in at the moment, isn't because of me' 

John reaches his hand up to my face and he strokes my cheek while his other hand rests on the small of my back. Instinctively, my body leans into him. He makes me feel protected and warm but on fire with passion at the same time. 'Doesn't he feel this too?' I think to myself. 

'I know it isn't Mary, I really do and I'm sorry' 

He lowers his eyes a little so I can't see into them. He holds his hand out to me and starts walking towards the tube station. I follow him with a heavy heart. We sorted out nothing. It was like applying a tiny plaster to a gaping wound. 

We arrive at the restaurant 2 tube stops and a bus ride later, which is in a remote little spot down a few scary alleyways where I was sure we were going to be attacked about a hundred times as we encountered hoodies and lots of tramps. Through the patterned window into the restaurant, on a far table at the back, I see the enemy. 

John is the first to push through the red and gold door with the sign hung around the knocker reading 'COME IN WE'RE OPEN' and I meekly follow behind, wanting to get in from the dangers behind me. 

As soon as I enter into the warm, vibrant room, I see Sherlock lift his head and his face erupts into a toothy smile as he waves us over. 

'Dr Watson and Mrs Watson!' 


John's reply sounds like he is letting out a long held breath and he confidently strides over to him. I, on the otherhand, am standing right near the door, taken aback by John's blatant rudeness and expecting me to walk to the table alone. I shimmy past numerous candlelit tables and finally reach where John and Sherlock are sat across from each other at a table booth, leaving me a chair next to my husband or next to Sherlock. 

I slide into the booth next to Sherlock so that I won't have to look at him all night. I feel as though I am behind a two way glass where they can't see me but I can see them. They talk animatedly to each other and Sherlock nearly knocks the wine off the table about five times. I hear a pause in their conversation and it brings me back to the present. 

'So, Mary, how's everything going for you?' 

I tell him about the busy hours at the doctors and he smiles empathetically.

'I was just telling John that he needs to slow down'

At which point I look at my husband, who is laughing. I can see a twinkle in his eye and he is noticeably blushing. This was quite obviously a inside joke for them both. 

'He does too much Mary, I hope you are making sure all his needs are met' 

The end of Sherlock's sentence sounds sultry and lustful. I grimace unhappily. 

'Haha, yes Sherlock I think they are' 

John then decides to pitch in as he too notices that Sherlock has gone too far. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom as I start to feel queasy. 

'Okay be quick, we need to order' 

Ugh how dare he tell me to 'be quick' I will go at whatever bloody pace I want too. I'm sure they wouldn't mind too much of I never came back to the table. Let them have their stupid date alone together. I don't even see the point of me being here. I am a third wheel with my own husband and his friend. 

I arrive back at the table after a brief two minutes as I can't bear the thought of them being alone in a restaurant together. As I walk back to the table I can see them both leaned in towards each other. They must only be a inch apart. I deliberately walk slowly to the table. They haven't seen me yet and their whispers are becoming louder as I walk closer to them. I think it is John who notices me first as he pulls away and nods subtly to Sherlock, then turns and smiles at me. The smile isn't like the one that he gave to Sherlock. It was guilty and forced. 

'I hope you don't mind but I ordered for you. Sherlock is famished, as am I' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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