Part Four

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NOW for Zayn's reaction to Harry being hybrid. Hehe enjoy

Oh and don't hate me at the end...yet. Don't hate me yet...

Hahaha I love writing!!!



I was about to explain more but Zayn just smiles widely and yells, "THAT IS THE COOLEST THING EVER!"

Oh well that wasn't what I expected.

Harry blushed and stepped closer to my side.

"Can I touch your ears?!? Oh my god do you have a tail?!?" Zayn came closer to Harry.

"No. And no." He said quietly.

"He wouldn't let me touch his ears either." Niall said coming up to us.

"Yeah but I saw he let Louis." Liam commented.

"What!?!" Niall said getting jealous.

Harry's ears flattened to his head and became invisible.

"He has fangs." I mention trying to change the subject.

"Whoa! What!" Niall yelled running up and getting closer then Zayn was.

"Let us see!!" He whined.

"Do it, snarl at them." I whisper

Then Harry let out something between a growl and a hiss and showed his teeth.

Niall stepped back into Liam's side but Zayn's eyes widened and he put on a half smile.

"That. Is awesome." He said.

"Okay now that that's done with, can we please get some lunch?" I ask pulling Harry to the kitchen with me. Everyone followed and me and Liam made sandwiches while Niall and Zayn tried to touch Harry's ears.

"Guys leave him alone." I tell them as I wipe up the mayo and mustard covered counter.

"What do they feel like?" Niall ask

"Like cat ears, duh"

"Why can't we feel them?" Niall is such a baby.

"Would you like to be pet all the time?"

"Ugh I guess not."

"Now, let's eat!" Liam says placing the sandwiches on the table.

We all ate and Harry explained for the third time how he was raised in a lab. Then when we finished Liam picked everything up and placed them in the sink.

"Zayn you and Lou are on dishes duty because we brought breakfast and I think we will be leaving to somewhere we won't get interrupted" he says winking at Niall. To which Niall was up and at the door putting his shoes on in a flash.

"Fine but I'm leaving right after, because I have a date too." Zayn says back.

"Ooh with who?" I ask filling the sink with water.

"This girl named Perrie who is absolutely amazing and beautiful and I just...ah yeah..."

"How's it feel to be the only straight out of us five then mate?" I ask him

"Better when your hitting on girls" he replies cheekily.

"Well we are off. Bye Lou, Zayn. Nice to meet you Harry, sorry about earlier. I'll text you Louis!" He calls as he's leaving.

"Bye!" Niall yells

"Goodbye, Niam!" I shout.

"Niam? That's brilliant." Zayn retorts

Hybrid (a One Direction fanfic) {not going to be finished}Where stories live. Discover now