Eleven: Police

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They had left me in the room for about two minutes. My heart is pacing, but i've accepted my fate. I know that I'm going to die at the age of 15.

I could hear them talking and rummaging around in the next room, but I couldn't see them. The door was closed, but I could tell they were talking about how they would kill me.

I cry for the first time in what felt like years, as I wouldn't let myself cry before. It seems appropriate now.

The men come into the room, and I feel one blow straight to my nose for crying. I lick my chapped lips and the familiar metallic taste of blood fills my mouth. I stop myself from crying and wipe away whatever tears I can with my left hand as the three men slowly carve deep cuts into my legs.

There's a bang heard, and I realize someone's busted through the door. The men widen their eyes and hold a knife to my head.

"Police! Let me see your hands!" I feel relief wash over me, but they don't take the knife away from  my head as the police hold their guns up.

"We'll kill her! Get out of here!" I hear the sound of sirens and a ton of cars pulling up outside. I can get out of this alive.

The police negotiate with the men, and I feel the blood drip down my legs and start to feel dizzy. They keep eyeing me, knowing I need to get out of here. I hear what sounds like a huge crowd outside. I just want to go home.

"Take the girl. We aren't getting out of this." one man signs and drops the knife, but it scrapes my foot as I wince. He smirks, "oops," I know they only let me go so they won't be charged as murder, but I sigh in relief.

"Help Madison up. Set the gurney up outside, get her ready to go to the hospital." a police officer says and two if them wrap my arms around their shoulders and help lift me out.

As soon as I'm in the doorway, I cry tears of joy. This is all over. Paps crowd around, and I see the boys looking relived I'm alive, but Michael and Luke are crying when they see my cuts and bruises. I'm bombarded with questions, and there are cameras everywhere.

"Madison! What happened to you in there?"

"What did they do to you?"

"Did they rape you?" as I'm lifted onto the gurney and into the ambulance, they immediately start working on my wounds. Ashton climbs into the ambulance with me and waves, teary-eyed. He doesn't try to hug me, but he site out of the way.

"They would only let one person in the ambulance, the boys are gonna meet us at the hospital. I nod, my eyelids feeling heavy and I realize how tired I really am. I haven't lain down in such a long time that I pass out before we reach the hospital.


I wakeup in the hospital, remembering everything that's happened. I feel relived that I'm finally out of that horrible place, but I also feel very sore all over my body from being beaten.

I spot a very tired looking Michael in one of the chairs, probably not having slept all night.

"Mads," he breathes out, standing up and coming to hug me. I flinch and he releases his grip, hugging me lightly. "The boys went to get lunch, but I stayed here in case you woke up. I think they're getting pizza.

I smile at the thought of having pizza instead of whatever I was fed in that place. Then I frown, remembering something.

"Why didn't you guys come get me on Christmas Eve?" I ask Michael quietly. He looks down guiltily.

"We are so sorry about that Maddie. You have no idea how terrible we feel. We all locked ourselves in our rooms and didn't check the mail, but as soon as we got your letters we went straight to the police and instead of giving them the ransom, us and the police followed them. It was risky but we're so glad you're okay." he smiles timidly and I nod slowly. They didn't check the mail? That's it? I was beaten because they didn't check the mail?

The doctor walks in, "You're awake," he smiles gently at me. "Should the others be back soon? We will discuss your injuries then." I nod, being careful when I breathe as its still painful. The boys show up soon with the pizza, but the doctor said he would be right back.

"Madison!" they shout in unison, hugging me lightly as not to break me. "We were so worried," Luke frowns, looking extremely relieved that I'm alright.

Ashton just smiles at me and doesn't say anything, he doesn't have to. I look at Calum and I Burt into tears. I should've listened to him when he told me not to go to the gift shop.

"I'm so sorry Calum," I cry and he hugs me again. "I should have listened to you." he holds me as I cry into his shoulder, and when I'm done he pulls away.

"It's okay Mads, it's okay. I'm just glad you're alive." he smiles and I notice a wet spot on his shoulder from where I cried.

"I'm sorry I got your shirt wet." I sniffle and he chuckles.

"I don't care about my shirt Maddie. I care about you." he backs up as the doctor walks in again with his clipboard.

"Oh good, you're all here." he nods, looking at his clipboard. "Madison's injuries weren't as severe as they could be. She has two cracked ribs, a broken nose, and a concussion. Along with all of the cuts and bruises on her torso, legs, and back. Luckily only a few of her cuts needed stitches. Most of them were just small ones." the doctors says and I suck in a breath.

"When can I go home?" I ask quietly, just wanting to be home again. I haven't been home in so long.

"We just have some paperwork for your guardians and your information sheet about your concussion to give you." he notes and I nod, knowing they can't help with anything broken in my body. I can't believe I slept through stitches.

We leave the hospital as soon as possible, and I can't walk very fast but the boys stay with me, and when we get out of the hospital guard me from the paps.

"Out of the way!" Luke shouts, clenching his stubble covered jaw. It isn't really stubble anymore, it's more of a beard. It doesn't look like they've shaved since we arrived in Australia really. They were too upset to shave?

Well they didn't do their hair either, or get dressed so yea, I guess shaving wasn't top priority. They're all wearing sweatpants and a muscle tee, and Michael and Luke have snapbacks on while Calum and Ashton have beanies. If it weren't for the stubble they would look like teenagers again.

When we get home, I breathe in the familiar scent. I can't name it, it's just home. The boys help me up the stairs which isn't really needed but they do it anyways. I change into fluffy pants and a tank top, going downstairs and cuddling on the couch with the boys.

It's great to be home.


So everything's okay! For now.. *smirks evilly*

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