Chapter 30

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"So what's that called?" I said pointing to the clear thing.

"Oh my god, it's a bong. You would think Cameron Dallas's girlfriend would have much more experience." Nash chuckled.

He put the loud in a metal thing then put it in one of the holes in the 'bong'.

I wanted to ask him what the metal thing was, but I decided that I shouldn't make myself look even more stupid.

"It's a socket, Elizabeth." Nash groaned obvious to me staring at it.

"Why do we need it?"
He rolled his eyes as if it was the most stupidest question in the world.

"We need it to smoke the loud!"

"Nash chill." Cameron said noticing my discomfort.

Nash picked up his lighter and lit the loud and put the bong to his lips breathing in the smoke.

He let it out with a smile, like the smile you find when your girlfriends pregnancy test was negative.

"Who's next?" He said filling the socket again.

"I will!" I let my mouth get the best of me, I should've waited and watched everyone else so I wouldn't fuck up.

"Alright," he said handing me the bong and lighter. "light it here and breathe in when you see smoke." I nodded my head acting like I understood.

I did as he said and breathed in a shit load of smoke. Ending with me coughing my lungs out.

"Put your arms over your head it helps you calm down." Cam said rubbing my back.

"Shit!" Nash laughed. Yea yea, I'm a noob I get it.

"Haley goes next, ight Cam?" Cam nodded and watched as they filled their bowls. ('filling bowls' is the same thing as putting weed in a socket)

I felt the room move around me and I felt a tingling sensation in my feet. "Do you guys feel that?" I asked trying to focus on no one in particular.

But I couldn't, it's as if my brain was making me relax and it wouldn't let me think. To be honest it was quite frusterating.

"Feel what?" Nash said leaning his head back against the couch.

"The tingling." Everyone started laughing at me. "Babe your too high." Cam said laughing at me.

"Is that a bad thing?" I said looking over to Cam. "Nah, it just means your on a whole other level then us."

I felt so great right now, but I wanted to do something reckless, or illegal.

"Lets go rob some people." I tried to finish the sentence but I just didn't feel like it.

"It feels like I'm in a dream." I said moving my hands ridiculously in the air.

"Oh my god!" Haley said cracking up.

"No seriously, like I feel like I can say anything or do anything, and get away with it." I smiled to myself at the thought.

Cam giggled and pulled me into his lap, snuggling into me.

"Your cute when your high, well your cute all the time." he smiled.

"Your not cute." I stated bluntly. He looked back up at me, a little shocked.

"Your sexy." I said kissing his cheek. I felt the heat radiate off his cheeks making my own heat up.

"Hey if you guys are gonna fuck please exit the room.
I laughed at Nash, only because his lips were all over Haley.

"Your the one to talk." I smirked. "touché." I smiled and looked back to Cam who was already looking at me.

He looked at me in a way that I knew what was gonna happen in a few minutes.

"Lets go upstairs."


My mom met Luke and Michael today well technically yesterday since its like 5am but that makes me sad because I've basically dedicated my life to meet them and one day oh hey we're Luke and Michael and we think it's cool to meet moms yay like nigga fuck me. I mean notice me... well this is awkward... bye.

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