Chapter 32

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"STOP HITTING LUKE!" I screamed at Michael.

"But he took Daniel."

We were all crowded in the car and we were all ready to kill each other.

"How long till we get there?" I asked Ashton.

"About 5 more minutes."

Thank god.

"WE'RE HERE!" Calum yelled.

"There's like no one here...?" Cameron stated.

"Well duh it's a Bestfriend party!" Michael nearly yelled.

Obviously Michaels not very sober.

"Why did we dress up then?" Hailey said.

"I don't know you guys are hot."

Michaels gonna get his ass kicked if he don't chill out.

"Ok let's go in."

We all hopped out of the car and walked toward the boys little house and I was surprised by how clean it was.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Calum asked.


"Shut up Michael."

"Actually that's not a bad idea." Cameron smirked bringing me closer.

Oh I hope we have drunk sex. wait what....

"Yay! ill go get it!" Michael yelled tripping over his own feet.

"Do you guys smoke?" Luke asked.

"Smoke what?" I asked. Because if its weed I'm down.

"Weed." He giggled

"Yep. You got some?"

He nodded and pulled a sack out of his pocket.


"Hurry up and load a bowl before Michael gets back!"

They set up the gravity bong and we all got one hit. Just as I got finished with mine Michael came back in.

"Aw are y'all smoking without me?" It looked like he was about to cry for real.

"Here Mikey." Calum said handing him the bong and filling it.

"Lets turn up!"


Me and Cameron were sitting on top of the boys roof staring up at the starry sky.

"I'm so glad I found you." He said looking over to me.


He rolled his eyes and put his arm around me.

"I seriously love you."

"I seriously love you too."


Srry I'm ending the book so quickly it's just that I fell like I'm side tracking and getting off subject in here so yea ily guys and thank you for reading I seriously appreciate it❤

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