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Darkness. Confusion.  Terror.
Three words that were ruling over my brain as I hurtled into the unknown. What was I even doing here? What is this thing that has me trapped, taking me who knows where. Ok let's take inventory. I'm in a metal box ,  I can't see any anything and I don't know why. Who am I? Who did this?

Then I realized....
I don't even know my name!
The panic that had already took over me rose by a mile,  and I started to sweat, and my heart started to pump faster. I started to scream until I couldn't anymore and blacked out.

I woke to see two boys standing over me. I backed into the corner and said in a shaky voice, " Wh- who are you? Where am I?"
One of the boys jumped down and said " I'm Minho, this is Alby," pointing to the dark skinned boy behind him. Alby spoke up and said
" Do you have any memory, do you know your name, anything about the world outside of this klunk hole?"
I answered back slowly " Uh, well,  n-no"
Minho and Alby sighed simultaneously and helped me out. I looked around,  both filled with wonder and panic. I was standing in the middle of a field with a forest to my left. There was a teeny little shack that looked like a kindergartener's arts and crafts project. I looked up and there were stone walls towering way high up,  with vines climbing to the very top. Suddenly it hit me
"Newt! My name is Newt"
"Well then Newt, " Minho said, "Welcome to the Glade"

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