Chapter 15: Meeting

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(Mikoto's P.O.V)

I walked into Izumo's Bar and was immediately greeted by Anna who threw herself on me.

"Geez Anna has it been that long?" She nodded and smiled.

"Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in," Izumo said while he wiping a glass. "You want your usual?"

"You know it." Anna finally released me and I took a seat in the stool. I almost miss being in here and watching Izumo whip up my signature drink. When he was through he slid the glass down to me and I caught it out of instinct. The cool yet burning sensation of the alcohol going down is something that'll never get old.

"So, how's everything?" Izumo asked while eyeing me suspiciously. I set the, now empty, glass down and looked at him.

"Fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well for two reasons. One, you haven't been in here for days then you just stroll in out if the blue. So something must've happen between you and Serenity. And two, I can't be generally concerned for my boss and best friend?" Izumo took down some alcohol and filled my glass.

"Don't be so fast to jump to conclusions. Rin will be gone for most of the day, so I thought what better way to spend a lazy day then at Izumo's Bar?"

"Hey, don't say that like I don't get any customers Mikoto." There was a silence then we both started laughing.

"I miss her!" I looked over my shoulder at Anna who was hold up a picture that she drew. On it she was in the middle smiling and Serenity and I were both in either side of her holding her hand.

"I'll let her know that you want to see her."

"No," I turned completely toward Anna. This is the first time she's act like this. She took a step back but kept her composer. "I want to see her now."

"Anna, I promise if I knew where she was I would take you to her. But she has this thing with disappearing." I said while chuckling at her sad face.

"Izumo what time is it?" I asked.

"It's 1:28 p.m." I reached in my pocket and started dialing Rin's number.

"She should be back by now. Voice mail? Okay two more tries. Both voice mail.

I texted Rin to call me whenever she gets this.

"You assholes whose gonna pay for that door?" Izumo's voice brought me back and I look towards the door and saw Yato and Rikio.

"Rikio you cracked my back!"

"Boss! We got some problems." Rikio started. I reached over and grabbed the glass that I forgotten about.

"What else is new?" I said jokingly.

"No boss this involves Serenity." Yato said in a serious tone. Did I just hear that right? I set my glass down.

"What about her?"

"There was this angry guy downtown demanding to know where you were. He was grabbing people and questioning them, basically throwing a tantrum. So Rikio and I asked him why he were looking for you. And he said and I quote 'He has something of mine that I want back.' Or something like that. And we asked him what did you have of his. Then he was all like 'A woman by the name of Serenity.' Then we got all defensive then he told us to tell you to meet him at the abandon forest at 6:15 p.m. alone." Yato said out of breath.

"And how exactly did that led up to you breaking my door?"

"We'll we were in such a rush to ask you if you knew where boss was so we could tell him, we ran over here as fast as we could. Yato was running ahead of me then stopped suddenly. I was paying attention and crashed into him, accidentally cracking his back in the process."

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