|1| A Book By It's Cover

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So welcome friends, if you are new here then you have arrived at the FIFTH story in the Breaking Free series isn't that crazy. Hopefully you've read Breaking Free, and Civil at least. The order the stories go in are:

Breaking Free (completed)

When The Stage Is Dark and Empty (on hold but read it if you want)

Let Me Fix You (almost completed, I just can't think of a good ending but you should read that one too especially if you're a Niall stan.)

Civil (definitely read this one)

and now All The Stars. 

This story in general is based off one of my favorite Ed Sheeran songs, All Of The Stars. (Which I've quoted before in past chapters of Breaking Free.)

I'm so excited I hope you guys love this story as much as I loved planning and writing it. Also, I wrote these first two chapters probably about 10 months ago so I had to reread them and update my writing style a little bit to fit the way I write now. 

Anyway, just wanna say thank you to my pals for reading and commenting and everything that you amazing people do for me. In particular Iwaizumeme_Hajimemeharrys-lil-flowerGrace_Irwin_Tommoa_geezy, and tywilltry

If you like haikyuu you should read tywilltry's IwaOI story called "The Weight Of A Crown" bc it's a great story. 

 Also if you're a haikyuu stan then you'll notice Oikawa is actually in this story.

And if you're not a haikyuu stan then disregard that comment and treat him like a normal character.

I love Oikawa.

I also love Louis.

My chocolate haired children.

My chocolate haired children

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Niall's POV:

How long do I have to put up with this?

Does she have to sit on his lap in a public business? I mean sure I'm the only one here but can they have a little respect for those of us who may feel...uncomfortable?

Like me?

I just sat there watching the gross couple. Katie was straddled across Louis' lap and the two were making weird faces into the front camera of their phones.

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