|2| Phantom of the Oprah

51 3 33


Literally. It's extremely hot. Like sexy and pretty damn hot tbh.

But since it's One Direction, it's also a mess, ya feel.

There's some parts later on in this chapter where I used Google translate to write some French sentences. Obviously not everyone speaks French (I don't, plus I don't know if Google translate even translated my sentences from English to French properly.) So I added the English translation of each line of French dialogue in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. (Like this)

The end is really dirty I don't even know why that scene happened I'm gonna cry pls forgive my sins lord.

That's Sasha in the picture tho ^

Katie's POV:

"I'm like hey what's up hello? Seen ya pretty ass soon as you came in the do!"

I groaned in frustration and leaned my forehead against the top of the lockers. "Nagisa, please." I silently pleaded for my fellow classmate to stop rapping loudly in the hallway. There was no point in begging, his ears were masked by a pair of neon green Beats headphones matting down that bouncy honey-blonde hair of his.

Two girls walked by, one with short red hair and a long skirt and the other a taller girl with long blonde hair down to her waist. They both curled up their nose as they noticed Nagisa beside me, his eyes squeezed shut as he bopped his head up and down to the rhythm and rapped the lyrics loudly. My locker was three spaces from his. I should be used to this by now but I'm not. Yesterday he rapped a whole Drake album.

"I would have had my locker moved by now if I were you." I heard the sly voice of my friend, and captain of the volleyball team, Oikawa creep up behind me.

"Trust me, I'm just about there." I rolled my eyes while Oikawa and I watched our comrade Nagisa whip and dab freely in the hallway. "Hey, are you doing anything Wednesday night?" 

"No, why?"

"You should come to this party that Louis and I are going to. It's at Harry's house. And you could bring Iwaizumi, it'll be fun."

Oikawa smiled and nodded, looking as though the thought of going made him a little uneasy but was being polite towards the invitation nonetheless. "You sure I'd be welcomed? I don't know Harry and it's his party."

"Of course, you're a friend of mine and he trusts my judgement I'm sure." I insisted and Oikawa looked away from my gaze.

"Well I'll ask Iwa-chan if he wants to go...or if he can go. He might be busy." Oikawa muttered quickly and sort of awkwardly. The relationship between the two 'friends' was a special one to say the least. One minute they were pals, brothers, and companions. The next minute the sexual tension was flying threw the roof and they were practically undressing each other with their eyes.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Oikawa reached into the bag strung over his shoulder and pulled out a pamphlet. Next he pulled out a ring of scotch tape and ripped a piece off before taping the flyer to my forehead.

"Wow, thank you, Oikawa. That's really quite helpful of you." I responded sarcastically to his devilish smirk. Ripping the ad from my head to free my line of vision I could still see he was grinning like a mischievous child. I rolled my eyes at his actions before reading the flyer in my hand. "School dance?" I asked rhetorically from the straightforward information on the page which blatantly read 'school dance.'

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