Chapter One

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Frank's POV

Gerard, my boyfriend, and I were walking home from a quick Starbucks run. "You know what would be awesome?" Gerard asked me. "If coffee was free?" I asked.

"That too, AND...if PICKLES were free!" he said. Ah, Gerard and his crazy pickle obsession. We came up to our house an went inside. We were greeted by my dog, Pepper, jumping on his hind legs and pawing our legs.

"I'm assumming this guy wants food?" Gerard asked. I nodded. "Yup." I said. He went to feed the begging puppy. Gerard is my roomate/boyfriend. We've been going out for a year and a half and living together for a year. 

It's been three years since my wife, Cassadee, divorced me. The kids are always with me, unless I'm on tour. They're currently on a vacation with Cassadee.

Gerard and I are in a band. Along with Gerard's brother, Mikey, and Mikey's best friend, Ray. Were a rock band called My Chemical Romance. You may or may not have heard of us.

I went into mine and Gerard's room and flopped down on the bed. Oh my god, how long does it take to feed a dog?! My thoughts were inturuppted by my phone ringing.

I looked at the cracked screen. The number didn't look familiar, but I answered it anyway. "Yello?" I said into the phone.

"Hello, is this Frank Iero?" the person on the other side of the phone asked.


"We have a kid here...we think he's your son...we can do a blood test if you want...or you can just come get him..."

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"I know this is alarming to you, but from what we've heard, your most likely his dad. Here's some family history to confirm it." 

The woman on the phone told me some stuff about his mothers past, and his mom's past. Yep.....that's my son. 

"Okay. I'll come get him." I said with a sigh.

"Great!" the woman said, happily. She gave me the adress of the adoption center. 

How? How is this possible? I don't remeber having a fourteen year old son! Hm....maybe I do? Hmm...I'll figure that out. 

"Hey babe!" Gerard said, flopping onto the bed, right next to me. "Whats wrong?" he asked.

I explained everything that happened on the phone *because the author of this story is too lazy to re-tell everything.* "What-what?" Gee asked. "I'm not explaining again." I said. 

" have a had him with Cassadee?" Gerard asked. "Yes. Who else have I been with?" I asked. Gerard shrugged.

I stood up. "Wanna come?" I asked. "Come where?" Gerard asked. "To get 'my son'." I explained. He gave me a wierd look. "Nah." he finally decided. I stuck my tounge out at him. "Well FINE." I said.

I went out to the car and started driving to the adoption center. This was gonna be a long day....

Aeryn's POV

Let me get this biological dad is Frank Iero. Isn't he in that rock band? My Chemical Reaction or whatever? I've heard there music. I like them, just not really my type. 

I'm more of a dubstep fan, personally. I listened to alot of Deadmau5 and Skrillex. And Basshunter. Anyways, he's on his way here. Great...oh yeah, I'm gay. Everyone gets on me about that. Especially the people here. They hated that. Let's just hope Frank is okay with I even tell him?

My thoughts were put to a screeching hault by someone calling out "Aeryn! Aeryn, your dad's here!" the voice called. That voice would be Kelli. She runs this place. Literally. She's the only one who really LIKES me. 

Then it hit me. What if she tells Frank I'm gay? Oh my god. What would he think? Would he hate me? Would he not like me anymore? "Aeryn! Grab your stuff! Come on! Lets go!!" Kelly called out.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Calm your tits, woman." I said, grabbing my backpack and my small suitcase. I heard a laugh, probably laughing at what I just said. I went into the lobby to see Kelly talking to Frank. 

"Oh! There he is!" Kelly said. "Aeryn, this is your dad, Frank. Frank, this is your son, Aeryn." she said warmly. Frank smiled at me. I gave him a small smile, not showing teeth. 

"Alright, have fun together! Bye Aeryn!" Kelly said with a wave as we left. I followed Frank over to his car and tossed my stuff in. I hopped into the passenger seat. "So, your name's Aeryn?" Frank asked.

I nodded. "Yup. Spelled A-e-r-y-n." I said. He smiled. "Like Farscape? *A/N I think thats what its from* " he asked. "Yes!" I said happily. He smiled. "So...tell me a little about you." he said.

I thought for a second. "Well...uhm..I like alot of dubstep Deadmau5 and Skrillex and stuff like that...I like to draw...I don't get along with other people my age very well...I read alot of comics..." I thought for a second. I'm gay! No no no...don't tell him that...what else am I supposed to say? Tell him, "I'm gay." I accidentally said aloud.

STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!Frank looked at me for a second. "Your gay?" he asked. "N-No. I never said that..." I trailed off. "Uh, yeah, you just DID." he said.

"Uh..."I as clueless of what to say. "Well, I'm gay. In fact, your coming to live with me and my boyfriend." Frank said. I sighed in relief. "So...your not mad? You DON'T hate me?" I asked. He shook his head. "No way. Why would I hate you?" he asked.

"Well, the only person that DIDN'T hate me there was Kelly." I explained. Frank nodded. "Well, your not there anymore, are you?" he asked with a smile.

Wait a second-I'm not! I have a chance for my life to get GOOD for a change! I silently smiled to myself with that realization.

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