Launch Day!

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1. Ok, pay attention. You need to  read the whole thing because there's a surprise at the end of the update.

2. I'm so excited to tell you  that the book is now live on Amazon and the links are on my blog. (and the crowd goes wild, yaaaay!). BUT, it's not launched yet so you have to wait until the countdown timer turns 0 before you can actually buy the book. You can however check out the book with the link on my blog.

3. Link to blog

4. My publisher is really impressed with how supportive you've been so they're lowering the price of the book for the launch. This is a special deal because you guys earned it :) So it looks like this writer is going to be broke for a little longer as they're practically giving it away. Sigh.....

5. Anyway, it's just a little token of my affection for you all and the amazing support you have shown me.

6. Now here's the deal. If you buy the book at 2pm EST, then there's a chance it will attract a lot of interest and you never know, perhaps it may become a movie one day. Now that really would be awesome.

7. So watch the countdown on my blog and press 'buy' at 00:00:00. You can buy the book before that, BUT it would be much better if you bought it when the countdown timer hits 0. 

8. When you buy the book, please leave a review. I don't care whether it's good or bad, just put what you think about it. Those reviews will guarantee the epicness of this book .

9. And now for the super awesome surprise: If you leave a review, you can have your name at the back of the book. This will show how great team Stormers is! My publisher will update the book before it changes its price, so go leave a review.

10. Now I know you are all probably fed up with these updates and are waiting for me to continue my other stories. I promise that after today's launch I will be able to concentrate on writing again. after all, I have another wedding to write and I will be announcing the winners of the wedding dress design competition.

11. One last thought. When you have bought the book, drop me a line on Twitter or my Facebook page so that  I can give you a shout out. Go team Stormers, I love you all. <3 <3 <3

Midsummer's MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora