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Dear Lucy,

Sorry I wasn't there for you or I should have when you still needed me the most. I got sick in the end but I wasn't going to let a little fever get between us.

I remembered that time when you wrote 'Queen of B*' on Claire's prom poster. I kinda laugh a little when you wrote that. Except, you took us both in the principal's office and punishingly gave us two weeks of detention.

My mom was still mad at me about that, but she'll get over it - eventually.

I really miss you a lot. Two countries can't build bridge from each other. Well - you can - if they were close. What I meant was between the US and UK.

But I get it if you don't miss me and then eventually you'll hate me for it. I'm so sorry. I'm a jerk you shouldn't date with.

And this jerk, he'll do whatever he can to be there for you.

So please accept my apology. PLEASE!

I'll be back at 23th September. Promise me that you'll wait at the tree with the swing hanging on it, the one near the lake I took you before.

I hope you'll write back to me. If you got my letter, it means I love you.

Your sincere,

P.S. Do you remember me, Lucy?

Hey readers, I'm starting a new book since my first one gave me writer's block and I should start a new one to get more motivasion.

So I hope you enjoy this book 'Caleb and the quirky, awkward, weird girl, Lucy' about...a girl and a boy, actually. And to get you more motivated, this book has a tragic ending.

Not the FAULT IN OUR STARS or WHERE RAINBOWS END like that, but more - simple.

Want to know more?

C.R. Eshier

Caleb and the quirky, awkward, weird girl, Lucy.Where stories live. Discover now