What Have I Done?

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I wake up to Link's body very close to mine. Grinning I give him a gentle kiss on the lips. His eyes flutter open and he smiles.
"The only time not being able to sleep turned out well." Link says and I nod.
"I'm having a girls day with Stevie this afternoon."
"That'll be fun." Link says playing with my hair. I kiss him again.

(That afternoon)
"Okay Link, I'm leaving!"
"Bye baby." Link says distractedly from his laptop.
I get in my car and drive to Stevie's.
"Hey! Come on in." She says as I get out of my car.
"So, what's the plan." I ask sitting down on her couch.
"Well first, you have some things to tell me. And don't try and deny it, you and Link?"
I blush beet red and she laughs.
"Well, it's kinda a long story..." I warn.
"We've got all day." She says and giggles in excitement.
"Oh my god, your such a thirteen year old girl! But I'll tell you." I tell her about the robber and living at Link's. She doesn't ask any questions just listens. Then I continue on a out how my boyfriend dumped my for "cheating" and how Link made to whole scavenger hunt thing for me.
"And, yeah."
"Wow... That's so cute mink is my new OTP!
"Mink?" I ask confused.
"Yeah, Maya and Link." She says. "Let's go get our nails done!" I nod.

~Link's POV~
When Maya leaves, I begin to scroll through the comments of my videos. It's a really bad habit, but I can't stop.
"Link is such a baby."
"Wow, what a girl Link is compared to Rhett."
"Man up Link!" Are just a few of the hateful comments I get. I'm on the verge of tears after a half an hour more of reading comments way worse than those. I get into my car and drive the to the convent store up the road. I run in and grab about eight beers. As I drive home, all of the hateful words fill my head. And before I can think better of it, I run in the house and start downing the alcohol. It's my only escape from my own head.

~Maya's POV~
"This has been fun!" I say to Stevie before digging into the pizza we ordered. After my first bite, my phone buzzes.
"Come home babyyyyyyyy. I miss uuuuuuu! I wanna cuddleeeeee!😉😍" Was Link's text to me.
"Umm Stevie, I gotta go. Link is texting me weird things." I say handing her the phone.
"Hmmm, that doesn't sound like Link... You better get back to him. Thanks for coming!"
"Bye, thanks!" I say and get into my car.
(At House.)
"Link?" I say worriedly.
"Maya!" He says his voice slurred a bit. "You got my text." He said and kisses me roughly on the lips. It wasn't until then that I saw the empty beer bottles.
"Link! You're drunk!" I say upset.
"Am I?" He said kissing me again. I couldn't resist, I kissed him back, but quickly pulled away. His breath REEKED of beer.
"Link, you need to go to bed. Your drunk." I say calmly.
"But, baby! I need your kisses!"
"You'll get my kisses in the morning." I say so he'll go to bed.
"You'd be a good mom." He says and collapses on his bed. Angrily, I go to the spare bed room and lie on the bed. I want nothing more than to be with Link, but not drunk Link. Finally, I  find sleep.

(The Morning)
I wake up to Link groaning in the other room. Sighing I go to the kitchen and make him a glass of water.
I open his door and blush to find him, yet again, in only boxers.
"Oh, ow, ow, my head." He says weakly.
"Here, drink. I'll get you some Tylenol."
After a couple hours, Link is feeling better.
We sit in the living room.
"Why the heck were you drinking that much?!" I ask, upset.
"Look, Maya, I have a bad habit of reading comments. I read a lot of comments that say I'm not a man or I'm too girly. It hurts." He says getting teary eyed.
"That's no reason to get drunk! I can't take care of a drunk Link every time some idiot posts a stupid comment."
"If you feel that way, then leave." He says coldly. I look at him in shock.
"Leave? If that's what you want, fine I'll leave!" I say, by the time I stand up, I'm crying.
"Save it! I'll stay a Chase's house." I say and run to my car.

~Link's POV~
What did I just do? I just told the girl that took care of me when I was drunk to leave. God! I'm a real idiot! I was supposed to tell her I was sorry, that she is a great girlfriend.
"Maya I'm-"
"Save it! I'll stay at Chase's house!" She says and runs out the door. I try calling her, but of course, no answer. All I can think over and over is "What have I done?"

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