Not Okay

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(Maya's POV)
"Hey beautiful." Link whispers in my ear. "Time to get up." His breath tickled my ear. I scrunched up my nose and giggled lightly.
"Mkay." I say and begin to stand up. Link leaves to take a shower and I grab the black dress I brought and my undergarments that have some lace details.
Slowly, I undress. The last thing I want to do is interact with great aunts that I haven't seen since I was twelve. But I owe it to my sweet, loving dad.
Sniffling, I pull on my bra and underwear. The room I notice, looks almost the exact same as it did when I left. It used to be my room. The rug over the wood floor has been their since I was 16 and my comforter is still a light blue. I smile remembering all of the sleep overs I had here with my best friend Kate.
I wonder if Kate is still in Maine... We haven't kept in contact.
I return to my dress. I want to dress before Link gets back.
The door opens and a practically naked Link walks out of the bathroom attached to my room. His only coverage is a towel tied around his waist. His muscles are prominent and I can't help but look at his slim, but strong frame.I blush as he looks me up and down. Not in a pervy way, but a oh-my-God-your-perfect way.
"You're beautiful." He breaths. I giggle.
"Thanks." He steps closer to me and wraps his arms around me.
"I don't care what your mother says, you are perfect. I love all of you."
When he pulls away, his towel almost falls off. It's his turn to blush now.
"I'm going to go change." He says and brings his suit and tie into the bathroom. I slip into my dress and sigh. I'm not ready for today. I don't feel the urge to cry, I just want to curl up in a ball and have Link wrap his arms around me and kiss me until everything's okay.
Link and I brush our teeth, and I put on make up and do my hair.
"You ready?" He asks grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze.
"As I'll ever be." I say weakly. We head to the rental car. Mom had to go early to help set up.
"I'm proud of you." Link tells me in the car. I'm looking out the window at the beautiful summer scenery. "You going to the funeral with your head held high."
I smile and thank him. The rest of the car ride is quiet. I'm lost in thought, and Link is trying to find the church building.
We arrive just in time and slip into the church.
Dads body had been cremated, so there was no body to go and view. I'm glad. I wanted my memory of dad to be him laughing and full of life, not cold and dead. The church service is long, but very well done. The summer sunlight streams in from the beautiful stain glass windows. It make me want to go to church when we get back home. I wonder if Link went to a church when he was growing up.
After the church service, their was a more happy celebration of his life down the road. We were going to eat, watch a slideshow about dad, and share stories.
As soon as Link and I found a table, A tallish blonde woman with an-almost-too-short-for-a-funeral dress comes running up to me, her heels clicking.
"Maya! Oh my god! It's been so long. I'm sorry about what happened." She added the last part as an after thought.
"Kate?" I asked bewildered.
"Yeah." I was surprised at how different she looked.
"Wow, it's been so long. Meet Link, he my boyfriend, and boss." I say smiling lightly.
"Hello, I'm Kate." She says and smiles, shaking Link's hand.
"Nice to meet you."
I left them to chat. I had to go around to each family member and meet them.

(Link's POV)
Great. Maya has left me alone with Kate. It's not that Kate doesn't seem friendly, and I knew Maya had to go speak to her family, but it's so awkward!
"I have to use the restroom. Do you know where it is?" I ask.
"Oh right this way!" She gets up and leads me down a longish hall way. I walk into the bathroom with the sign that says men's bathroom.
When I come back out Kate grabs me and presses her lips to mine roughly. I try to pull away but she forces me to put my hands on her butt.
"Kate? Link?" I hear Maya gasp from behind up. Kate pushes me away.
"Oh my god! Link! What the hell?" She asked in fake disgusted.
"He came onto me! What a fu*king perv!" Kate said to Maya.
"Maya, it was Kate! I swear! I would never do this to you!" I plead. The tears in her eyes make my heart rip in two.
"Oh, now your lying?!? Just own up to it!" Maya runs out of the building.

I sigh and turn to Kate.
"I don't know what you think you're doing, but it needs to stop! Her dad just died for gods sake!" I say angrily to Kate.
"I've hated Maya since she became more pretty and talented then me. I wanted to ruin her perfect little life. I think I've done just that." She smirks.
"Good luck getting her back... You just 'broke her heart' " she says the last part sarcastically. I ball my hands into fits and race out the back door of the church to find Maya.
"Maya?" I ask frantically.
"Please, let me tell you what really happened!

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