1.2 Sally Play

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Next morning Sara woke up on her bed. She was wondering how she got there. She swiftly rushed to her grandma who was down in the garden. She told her everything about the previous night. She also took her to the place where murder took place. But to her surprise there was no trace of dead body and also they didn't find single spot of blood.

"It must be a nightmare. It happens when you don't get adequate sleep. I told you not to stay up late." Grandma said.

Her grandma didn't believed what she said. But she knew what she had seen. And it wasn't a dream.

When Sara was taking bath the light of the bathroom started flickering she also saw a black shadow in window. She was so scared that she left the shower in the middle of her bath.

At about 11 am, she went down for breakfast. And she saw her grandma struggling with large garbage bag. It was so heavy that she was dragging on the floor.

"Can I help grandma? "Sara said.

"You are already late for your breakfast. Now go eat your food. I have been doing this for quite a long time. ", Grandma said.

That night Sara couldn't sleep the murder scene was revolving in her mind. She didn't even talk to any of her friend. She opened the window of her room to get some fresh air. She stood near the window to relax. Suddenly she noticed something in the lawn. She went down to have a look.

She went down in the lawn near the dustbin in which her grandma trashed the big garbage bag. She slowly opened the garbage bag. There was a foul smell coming out from the bag. She somehow managed to open the bag.

"Oh, Oh, MY GOD!" she cried.

She was a dead body in that garbage bag. Along with lots of tissue paper and cloth dipped in blood. The body was of Lilly off course. This time Sara stayed strong. She took a picture from her mobile phone as a proof to show to police. She called 911 but then she saw that her phone had no signal. She again put that bag in dustbin as it was untouched. Now she knew her grandma was also involved in that murder. She quietly went back to her room. Her heart was pounding heavily. She was waiting for sun to rise. She had decided that in morning she would rush straight to police-station.

She went into her bed and covered herself with blanket. Suddenly there was some movement behind her back. When she turned around she saw Sally!

"Come Sara let's play Hide n Seek"

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