chapter two

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As I got home I went straight to my room to pack my clothes in a duffle bag. I packed my phone charger, toothbrush and toothpaste, My favourite book, The Giver , toiletries, a pair of flip flops and clothes.

As I wait for my dad, I turned on the tv for something interesting to watch.

Pretty Little Liars is my favorite show so I'll just watch their new episode. I get hooked up to shows very quickly, like i justed started watching this show 2 weeks ago and I'm already on season 3.

In the middle of my episode I heard the key slot being messed with so i ran upstairs to get my bag so we can leave soon. As i'm walking to my room i got a text from Beth.

Hey Dani sorry i wasn't at school today i wasn't feeling well. Are we still watching mockingjay this sunday?

Oh shoot, i forgot that i made a plan with her to watch it with her. Urggghh i feel so guilty, especially because we never do anything together.

Im sorry u weren't feeling well this morning but i can't go to the movies cuz my dad unexpectedly told me that we we're going on a trip somewhere and i won't be home for a couple of days.

I felt guilty because we both enjoyed the book and was looking forward to seeing the movie. I quickly grabbed my bag and went to grab a snack because i was hungry.

"Hey Dad, how was work." I asked. He really doesn't talk about his work.

"It was fine." He flatly said like he was a child that was just asked how school went.

" Thats nice. So i was wondering where were are going tonight." I'm really eager to know because the last time Iv'e been on vacation was when we went Orlando, Florida with My mom, Brother, and with my dad. It was was one of the funnest years i lived through because i loved hanging out with my older brother physically and i loved the memories of me and my mom at SeaWorld because she loved sea creatures.

"Uhhh" He waited a couple seconds before he said his answer. "It's a surprise." He said like that was the first thing off his mind. I just nodded and started my way to the fridge. I just grabbed a bagel and started to spread Nutella on it. I looked at the time and it was 6:03. I look outside and it was pretty sunny outside. I'm just glad it wasn't dark because I was not a fan of traveling through the dark.

"Hey Dad, I'm going in the car." I said because I honestly had nothing else to do.

"Ok I'm coming out in like 10 minutes I need to pack a couple of stuff but here are the keys." He tossed me the keys and I left the house with all my bags in my hands. as I open the trunk I see a black bag the looked like it was full of stuff but I just ignored it.

I grabbed my MP3 out of my bag and sat down in the front seat of the car. As I was looking through my music I remembered that my book was also in the bag so I got out of the car to the trunk. As I'm looking through my bag I couldn't find it anywhere so I just think I left it in my room. It won't kill me to get it right, so I might as well do it. As I walk Into the house I hear my dad on the phone. It would be bad to eavesdrop on my dad's conversation with who knows. When I walk into my room I found the book on my bed. I wonder how I forgot it. When I started leaving my room I started to hear yelling. I remembered he was on the phone so I wonder who he's on the phone with because right now there conversation is getting a little out of hand.

"ALL I ASKED FOR WAS JUST A CABIN WITH 2 BEDROOMS HOW HARD IS THAT TO MANAGE." Wow I've never seen this side of my dad before."I HONESTLY DON'T CARE HOW MUCH IT IS ALL I WANT IS THE ROOM!!" I was surprised that he wanted to spend a lot of money on me because he knows that i hate when people do that. We lived on the wealthy side of town of Everblue City( fake city), Virginia, I go to one of the best high schools in the state and my father has a job and they freaking pay him like a gazillion dollars a hour so you could kind of consider my family loaded. It really doesn't affect my personality because all i am is a redhead who loves to read, dance on my free time, and does nothing but stay home every night and watch new episodes of Dance Moms, and PLL while eating red velvet Ben and Jerry ice cream. I quickly and quietly ran out of the house so he doesn't think i'm suspicious about anything.

When I head in the car I started to think about my past. My brother was in the hospital for almost four years now. He has heart problems but he's now in a coma. He is that kind of happy-go-lucky person. It's like nothing can make him sad. I juts really want to see him physically, I miss everything about him. He and I were really close. It was funny because this one day he and I- "DANI OPEN THE DOOR HURRY OUR RESERVATION ENDS IN LIKE 2 HOURS" Wow my dad just came out of nowhere with a black bag. He never yells but he might've been stressed out about the the conversation he just had over the phone.

"Sorry" I muttered as I unlocked the car. As soon as he got in the car he started the car and said "Let's get started."


okey so this is my time writing so like dont hate if its horrible.



follow me

and whatever that will me happy :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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