Chapter 18: Coming Forward

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I separated from the hug I was giving Heaven and looked at both of them. I had to tell them what happened to Em in an attempt to put this to an end. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. I had to convince Em to come forward with Heaven or he would get away with it.

"Guys there's a guy going around attacking our female peers. Someone raped Em earlier and it sounds like the same guy attempted to rape you too."

Niko and Heaven took it all in, looking surprised, shocked and hurt. "So you mean he hurt our friend too?" Niko asked. He had this red, fiery look in his eyes. He grabbed his jacket and ran to the door.

"Don't go anywhere alone. Meet me in the cafe in 15 minutes" he said. Heaven began to cry. I know she was upset and didn't want him to do anything stupid.


We were sitting in the cafe waiting for Niko to meet us. Em and her roommate were there also. When Niko finally walked in Heaven ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"What did you go do Niko?"

He looked at her and lead her to the table. They sat down and he explained to us how the guys he hung out with were going to be looking out for the female students until the creep was caught.

That made us feel a little better but we still needed to inform campus police. We couldn't do this alone. "We have to go to campus police. We can't do this alone y'all" I said to my friends. Everyone was on board but Em. She didn't want to be known as the girl who was raped. I totally understand and respect her decision. Heaven said she will speak up regardless.

We got up and headed for campus police. Em sat there, watching us walk away. I really wish she would come forward too. It would make catching the guy much easier.

I knocked on the office door and officer Randal summoned us in. Heaven looked at me and I nodded my head for reassurance. She began to talk.

"So I was attacked earlier today by a white man. He tried to pull me into an empty classroom and rape me, but a few people heard me scream. They called out asking if anyone was ok and the guy ran off."

Heaven finished telling her story, as tears ran down her face. Niko held her hand as Officer Randal listened in shock. He wrote down everything he heard and the description Heaven gave him.

All of a sudden Em walked through the door and came forward as well. I was so proud of her. This was going to help catch this man, and hopefully soon.

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